Chapter 25: Fries Before Guys (Edited)

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Was there ever a moment in your high school life that you had so much homework that your stuff simply couldn't fit on your desk so you just decided to spread them all around your bed and sit in the middle? That's me right now in my FRIES BEFORE GUYS sweater and tennis shorts with my modules and worksheets surrounding me and laptop on my lap.

After finishing three worksheets on Polynomials, I started working on my essay in History on the role America played in World War II. After this, I have to write a haiku for English Lit. Maybe I could make it about how I hate homework.

While typing away on my laptop, I heard a soft knock on my window. Ignoring the first knock because I didn't really care, I continued typing on my laptop. Suddenly feeling the urge to pee, I set my laptop on my bed and made my way into my bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet, my mind wandered to the soft knock on my window; having an internal battle with my annoying conscience.

What if it was a burglar trying to get in my room?

Sure thing. Burglars always knock on doors and windows of house they decide to rob.

Yeah, of course I knew that. It was probably just some kid playing and accidentally throwing his ball too high and it hit my window.

What kind of parents would let their kids play outside at 8:00 at night?

Okay, conscience, my mind is running out of ideas. Any ideas for me?

Do you think it might be Chase knocking on your window?

What? That's would be the least of all the possibilities we could think of.

Really Alex? I'm your inner conscience. We both know that was the first thing that came to your mind even before that burglar theory of yours.

Pulling my shorts up, I stood up from the toilet seat and flushed. Slowly walking out of my bathroom, I closed the door behind me, not really paying attention to anything else. I was too busy thinking about my imaginary conversation with my inner conscience.

"Nice sweater, Lexi."

I spun around startled, only to come face to face with Chase sitting on the edge of my bed. He was wearing a black shirt with My Chemical Romance printed in white, and black joggers.

"Um, thanks," I replied, not know what to say. But then it hits me. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

Chase stood up from my bed and walked around my room as if he was observing art in an exhibit. "Oh, I tried knocking on your window but clearly that didn't work. But then I realized your window was unlocked, which by the way you shouldn't make a habit of..."

Psh. Yeah, right. Look who's talking.

" I just let myself in. It's not like you wouldn't mind, princess."

I told you it was Chase knocking on your window. When do you ever listen?

Okay. This entire situation is so messed up, not to mention awkward and a perfect example of wrong timing. In the so many ways and times Chase could've showed up in my room it had to be now – when it looked like I share a room with a tornado.

Another problem was my homework was scattered all over my bed. Great. He must think I'm a study freak now. Oh, and did I mention that all those homework I was working on wasn't supposed to be passed until two weeks from now? Well I guess Polynomials had to be passed tomorrow because that's what every evil Math teacher would want.

And to top everything off – my choice of clothes. My sweater looks ridiculous and its one of my oldest sweaters. My tennis shorts are way too short that they hide underneath my sweater, making my legs look bare. Oh gosh, when was the last time I shaved?

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