Chapter 27: Into the Woods (Edited)

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After class, I went straight to my locker; mainly because while I was leaving our homeroom, I saw Dylan trying to catch up with Hayley and I didn't want to be any part of that. Being a third-wheel sucks.

As I was fixing my stuff in my locker, I felt Chase's familiar presence behind my door. Weirdly enough, I could sense him whenever he's around me. I guess Chase is growing on me little by little. 

"So, what does the Hunter Chase need from me n-" I was silenced by Chase's finger on my lips. 

Smirking, he slid his finger below my lower lip and placed his thumb under my chin, tilting my face up to level his. 

"You're coming with me," he said. 

Okay, just for the record, can we take this time to ponder on how Chase's finger sort of tastes like mint? 

Wait a minute, what?  

"What? W-"

"Dylan's taking Hayley out somewhere. He just asked her out a while ago when you decided to ditch her...well, not really but you get my point," Chase replied, shrugging. 

"But I -"

"No excuses, Lexi," Chase cut me off for the third time. He shifted his annoyed expression to one pleading for approval. Irresistible, brown, puppy dog eyes and all. It's hard enough to resist him, looking into his eyes. But adorable puppy dog eyes? Whole new level.

God, help me.

"Please?" he asked. 

I had no reason not to give in. So I did. 


We've been driving for quite a while now and as I've observed, I have no idea where we currently were. We had exited the city just a couple of minutes ago. From the wide main road, Chase brought the car to a narrower road. The cemented path was slowing dissolving into a dirt path as we drove by. Trees started to appear on both sides of the car and soon enough, I had lost sight of the main road behind us. 

This is the moment where the girl usually makes a comment about the guy taking her to some place like the woods to kill her. As much as I thought it was cliche, I decided to go for it and pop the comment. 

Pretending to be a Wattpad girl was one of my dreams anyway.

"So, I hope you're not taking me into the deepest, darkest part of the woods to decapitate my body parts, store my internal organs, and sell them," I said, coolly. From the corner of my eye, I could see Chase's slight smirk. 

"If I wanted to kill you, I would do it the proper way," Chase replied, lightly tapping his fingers on the wheel. 

"Which is?"

"Oh, I'm glad you  asked." As the car came into a halt, he unbuckled his seat belt. "If I were to kill you, first I would tear up all the pages of your precious books, stack them into a pile with some Lucky Charms and Apple Jacks, and set them on fire. Then, I would decapitate your body parts and place them in the fire, store your internal organs, and sell them."

I think my mind just had a mini explosion. "I think I'd rather you not kill me in the 'right way'." 


"Because I love my books and favorite food in the world too much, I'd die for their safety and peace," I replied, unbuckling my own seat belt. 

Chase lightly chuckled beside me. "Cute." 

You're cuter..

NOPE. Just NO.

"Don't call me that, Chase," I hissed. 

"Whatever you say, princess," he replied, unlocking the doors and getting out. 

"Don't call me that either!"

Before I could even get out myself, the door automatically opened beside me, being held by Chase's hand, his arm resting above it. 

Reaching out to grab my hand and pull me out, he leaned in to whisper in my ear, "I still think you're incredibly cute." 

Shutting the door behind me, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, and I think you're incredibly hot," I replied sarcastically. 

Chase being who he is, winked back at me. "Not too hot to overshadow your cuteness I hope." 

Pretending like I didn't hear those egoistical words come from this angel-dressed demon, I walked passed by him, further into the thicket of trees. The sun was starting to set behind the tall trees, casting grey shadows around me. It would've seemed like I was lost in a dark forest it if weren't for the present pink, orange, and purple horizon. 

Staring out to nowhere, I was slowly drifting away from everything around me, pulling myself to my own world. 

The sky. 

I don't know how it's even possible but, my feelings seem to reflect whatever the sky was showing. Whether it was a bright, blue, sunny day or a haunting, stormy night, or even this simple yet utterly beautiful pink and purple sunset, the sky had a huge impact on me. 

Too consumed in my own thoughts, I didn't realize Chase's fingers slipping themselves between mine. His hand was huge but perfect, like they were carved for my hand to hold. 

"Wanna say something to me, princess? Your sudden change of mood is making me worried." 

I squeezed Chase's hand tighter in mine, still staring at the sky. "Have you ever had that moment when you stare off at something, not taking your eyes of it, then you suddenly realize..." 

"That its beauty is unfathomable?" Chase released his hand from mine, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me close. "Yeah, I definitely have." 

Trying hard not to blush too much, I swallowed my nervousness and thought of something to else to say.

"I know right?" I sighed. "The sky just has its inexplicable way of making itself known. It's almost as if it's crying out for attention yet, it appears to not be desperate. Has it ever occured to you that maybe behind the facade of its colors, is a story waiting to be told? Well, who am I kidding? I think I'm going way overboard with thi-" 


The stillness of Chase's voice sealed my mouth shut.  His hand reached up to cup my cheek, gently turning my head until I came face to face with him. 

"I get that the sky seems amazing to you but," he paused, smiling sheepishly, "I was actually talking about something else." 

I knew where our conversation was heading. I wasn't that naive girl who didn't know what was coming to hit her. But it sure would be fun to pretend I was...

"Oh." I replied. "Were you talking about the trees then? Or the stars? Yes! It's got to be the stars, right? I mean, they're equally as amazing as the sky that you seem to wonder who that powerful God people keep talking about in church is. The way they're formed or sparkle in the night just takes my breath aw-"

And just when pretending to be naive was beginning to become interesting, they ground underneath me disappeared into thin air. 

I can't explain how it felt. It felt like I was plucked from where I was standing and thrown into the winter breeze. It felt like a piece of ice melting beside a warm fire. It felt like fireworks soaring in the sky at New Year's. 

I felt the unbelievable tenderness cradling my lips, exploring and memorizing every inch of it. It was warm. Gentle, but fierce too.

And once all the air I had in me escaped my lungs and I wasn't rattled by my feelings anymore did I realize, Chase and I had just kissed. 

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