I'm Making You Go

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Matt's P.O.V.

I didn't know where Nash was last night

He can in late but I just don't know where he was

We walked down to the hotel restaurant to get some breakfast

Then he walked in

"Hey Nash, where were you last night?" I asked

"Last night? I was out with a friend" he said

"Who is your friend?" I asked, I need to know where he was because I think he was with Bree

"Umm just a friend" he said

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked and he started getting nervous

"What's with all if the questions?" He asked

"I want to know who you were with?" I asked very madly

"Ok I was with Bree last night, we were on a date" he yelled at me. Why was he with Bree? I'm just so mad

"After I told you that you can't date her" I said

Nash's P.O.V.

I panicked and told Matt that we went in a date

But what can he do?

He can't make her go or can he

I know that he will make her if he wants to

He make me walk to Bree's room with him

When we got there he just walked in

Why would he do that? It's kind of rude of him

"Brianna Ann Espinosa get out here now" Matt yelled and she walked out

"Why are you calling me by my full name?" She asked

"Because you were on a date with him last night and you are not allowed to date" Matt yelled at her

"Matt stop" she said and then Matt cut her off

"No Brianna you stop, you know you are not allowed to date but you went on a date, not just with a guy but with my best friend" he yelled. Matt is getting very mad at her and he is calling her Brianna he never calls her that

"Matt what are you going to do about it?" She yelled at Matt and he looked at me and then her. She is very mad and he is mad and I'm mad, it's kind weird when everyone's mad

"You well see" he said and he walked away. Bree looked mad at me

"How could you?" She asked sadly

"I'm sorry Bree" I said

"Goodbye Nash" she said and she opened the door.

I was walking back to my room and when I walked in he was on the phone all what I heard is he said 'ok thanks mom, I will make her be ready before tomorrow'

When I walked to my bed, Matt looked at me

"What was that phone call all about?" I asked him

"Oh I'm making Bree go" he said. How can he make her go? He just can't do that, can he? Well I don't know but I know it's not right

Bree's P.O.V.

I'm mad at Nash and Matt

Nash told Matt that we went on a date

Matt got very mad at me

Then Matt waked in my room

"Brianna come here" he said and I walked to him

"Yea Matthew" I said, if he wants to call me Brianna I will call him Matthew

"You need to pack your bags your leaving" Matt said

"What why?" I asked very madly

"Just pack your are going tomorrow and tell Stella that she needs to go to" he said and he walked out.

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