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Eria's pov

The fox and I walked side by side towards my dad's noodle shop. I tried to avoid people in case they recognised me.

"Oh right" I said almost face palming, I stopped in my tracks and the fox stopped with a confused look "my names Eria! Who are you?" I asked introducing myself. I held out my paw for a pawshake and the fox immediately slipped his paw into mine

"I am Foxy" he said retracting his paw once again. I grinned and started walking again "I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but do you happen to know who the Dragon Warrior is?" Foxy asked walking beside me. I hesitantly shook my head thinking it was probably better that he didn't know

"Uh, there's actually two from what I've heard" I said making Foxy look at me in disbelief "I only really know about one though. I heard that he fell from the sky on a ball of fire and he's a warrior unlike the world has ever seen" I repeated the phrases I heard people describe Po with

"Wow he sounds... powerful" Foxy said almost resentfully. I looked at him concerned... perhaps it was a good thing I didn't tell him I was a Dragon Warrior

"Are you alright?" I asked confused. He looked like he was in a daze but shook his head

"I'm fine" he waved off "why do you ask? Do I look sad?" He asked looking at me from the corner of his eye. I shook my head with a smile

"No, it's just... you looked kind of... angry" I admitted with a weak smile. Foxy chuckled

"I suppose I'm a little upset nobody knows much about the other Warrior" Foxy said with a pout. I smiled, I never was well known. I hadn't had many friends. For some reason I didn't get along with many people

"Yeah, it's a bummer" I lied with a sigh "why do you want to find out who they are anyway?" I asked tilting my head to the side curiously. Foxy looked at me with a smile and shrugged

"I just want to know who's keeping China safe I guess" he said nonchalantly, yet I could see in his eyes there was something more to it. I nodded.

We walked together in a comfortable silence. As we made it to my dad's shop I hesitated. If I went in, there was a high chance I'd be found out as the Dragon Warrior. I looked to the fox I had been walking with a sighed. I walked into the shop and spotted my dad cutting up some vegetables. He spotted me and gasped. I smiled nervously as my ears pinned back and waved

"Dad!" I greeted with a smile. He ran out the front and tackled my waist in a hug

"That's your... dad" Foxy asked slowly. I nodded rapidly and crouched beside my dad throwing an arm over his shoulder

"Don't you see the resemblance?" I asked looking at Foxy looking at him from beside my dad "because, it should be obvious he's my dad" I stated pointing between my dad's face and my own

"Eria, I haven't seen you in so long!" My dad hugged me again. I smiled gently

"That reminds me, dad. I need the best noodles you have stat" I said standing up determined. Dad tilted his head confused "I spilt this guy's noodles" I said pointing at Foxy. My dad left and came back with noddles in his wing.

My eye twitched at how fast he was. I grabbed the noodles carefully and handed them to the fox with a smile. I lead Foxy to a seat and sat down across of him. He took a bite of the noodles and I watched with anticipation

"These are good!" He exclaimed as he started shoving noodles in his mouth at a rapid pace. I smiled lightly. He slowed down once a quarter of the noodles were gone

"I should go" I announced standing up from my seat. Foxy looked up at me and swallowed the noodles in his mouth. He nodded thoughtfully

"I'm glad you spilt my noodles" Foxy laughed. I smiled at Foxy's way of putting it. It was true. Spilling someone's noodles wasn't the best way of meeting someone, but it was fun

"Hey, maybe I'll spill your noodles again sometime" I shrugged with a laugh. I waved to my dad happily "Cya later, dad!" I exclaimed. He looked over from his vegetables and cupped his beak

"See you too, my little Dragon Warrior!" He shouted making my eyes widen. I looked to Foxy who had a slacked jaw. I covered my face in embarrassment, speed walking out of Foxy's sight.

When I was sure I was out of his sight I started sprinting back to the Jade Palace. I had almost gotten out of it without being caught out. I slowed my run back into a walk and huffed. I kicked some dirt up with a pout.

I spotted a familiar tree and slowly walked to in. Familiar dents were marked in the tree from all the years of me punching it. I ran my hand up the tree's bumpy, yet smooth surface. I smiled and pressed my forehead to the tree's bark.

I closed my eyes. Why had I wanted to be a Dragon Warrior for so long. Was it just because Po wanted it? I thought back to when Oogway had saved me. I wanted to be able to protect people like he had protected me.

My eyes opened as I pushed away from the tree. I gave the tree a gentle pat. I wanted to protect China from whatever tried to harm it. There was no way to do that without training.

Beating Tigress was a fluke. I would've lost to her in that fight if she hadn't underestimated me and I couldn't count on anyone to do that since I'm the Dragon Warrior. Actually they'll do the opposite. They'll overestimate me and if I can't live up to what they though I was, I'd no doubt be defeated. I groaned once I realised what I had to do. I had to ask Shifu for help and I highly doubted he'd help me without some convincing

1052 words

I finally updated. It's an alright chapter? I got really stuck on what to do so I'm sorry it took so long. I've also been busy watching Hero Academia and I got so hooked on that so I started writing a fanfic on that -I didn't post it though because I don't feel like it's that good-.

Then for some reason I became a Negan fan girl and wrote multiple books on him -none of which I've posted, because I'm only slightly embarrassed of how fangirl I am😅- I swear I wrote so many fanfics that I thought of posting but I was like 'nah, I need to focus on the ones I have' so here I am! Finally updating my book.

I kinda wanted to focus on Eria's motivation a little at the end because I hadn't really thought about why she wanted to be a Dragon Warrior I only knew that she wanted to be one. So yeah. That happened

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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