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Eria's pov

I sat next to Po as he tried to do a full split. I sighed amused and stood up finding a thick tree. I punched the tree and I sighed not feeling any pain. As usual. I kicked the tree hard using my shin, I smiled at the slight sting it gave my legs. I kept kicking and punching the tree until my fists and shins were bleeding, I grabbed out my bandages and wrapped them around my wounds carefully. I sighed and looked at Po stuck in a full split. I snickered

"Eria? some help please?" Po said embarrassed, I nodded and went to go help him but the training hall doors open and I froze

"What are you two doing here!?" Shifu yelled, I looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him amused

"What? Are the dragon warriors not aloud to train?" I asked causing Crane to let out a small chuckle. I looked at Shifu smugly

"Hey! Huh... Good morning, Master! I thought I'd warm up a little" Po said nervously, I looked at Po with a confused look

"You're stuck" Shifu stated looking at Po

"Stuck?! Whaa?" Po said acting like he wasn't indeed stuck "Pfft... stuck..." he muttered looking down "Yeah, I'm stuck" Po admitted embarrassed

"Help him" he ordered Crane. Crane went to step forward but I held a paw up gesturing for Crane to not come over

"Don't. He can get out of it, he always does" I told them factually

"Eria! I need help!" Po yelled at me, I looked at him and shrugged carelessly

"I guess you don't want this cookie than" I stated grabbing a cookie out of my pocket "too bad it's your favourite, brought it out here for you to eat after training" I shrugged, I started counting down from 5 in my head and before I reached 1 Po had already snatched the cookie out of my paw. I rolled my eyes

"you actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night?" Shifu asked Po in disbelief "It takes years to develop one's flexibility and years longer to apply it in combat!" Shifu scolded angrily, he threw two boards into the sky and Tigress leaps up with them and preformed a perfect split kick, Tigress landed and walked back into the line and as she was doing that, a chunk of the board fell from the sky and hit Po in the head. Po grabbed the chunk of the board as a souvenir. Shifu noticed and stepped forward

"Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.

"Yeah, excellent!" Po said laughing excitedly and put his fist in his paw

"Let's get started" Shifu said smirking, I growled slightly not trusting his tone of voice

Shifu snapped his fingers and Viper stood in front of Po while the rest of the Furious Five jumped to the side of the 'arena'. I looked at Shifu and he motioned for me to get off the field, I snarled and walked to the opposite side of the other four

"Are you ready?" Viper asked Po

"I was born read-" Po started, but before he could finish Viper lashed out her tail and wrapped around Po's wrist, forced his arm back, threw him into the air and pulled him crashing back down onto his head. I glared fiercely at Viper as Po groaned on the ground

"I'm sorry, brother! I thought you said you were ready!" Viper said worriedly, I continued to glare

"That was awesome! Let's go again!" Po said excitedly and put his fist in his paw again. I let up my glare

"Po! It's my turn now!" I said in a teasing scold.Po nodded and walked over to stand by the other furious five. I went out onto the arena and Shifu snapped Monkey jumped in front of me and twirled a bamboo stick.

Shifu tossed me a bamboo stick and I snatched it out of the air. Monkey jumped at me and I swung the stick like a baseball bat and it hit Monkey directly in the head sending him straight to the ground, Monkey went to stand up so I pounced onto his back pinning him to the ground.

"I. win." I said smugly, Monkey pouted and I got off him, I offered him a paw to help him get up. Monkey grabbed my paw and I pulled him up easily "good work" I said smiling at him, Monkey smiled back and nodded

Next Po and Crane fight on the turquoise bowl, Po fell in and started to roll around harshly in the bowl while Crane just flew in place awkwardly. Shifu snapped knowing the match was over. Next was Tigress battling me, which I won with a bit of difficulty. Then it was Po and Mantis battling, I winced as Po was thrown around like a rag doll and you could hardly tell Mantis was even there. Shifu smiled smugly as Po laid on his back, Po managed to get his fist in his paw and you could tell Shifu was mad

"I've been taking it easy on you, panda, but no more! Your next opponent will be...your sister and then the winner... will battle me" Shifu stated. My eyes widened and I looked at Po worried. I didn't want to battle Po, but I didn't want Po to battle Shifu. I've got to win against him, but I don't want to hurt him. Po looked so excited, and I knew I'd have to win against Shifu

"Alright! Let's go!" Po shouted excitedly, I nodded once. The Furious Five looked at me worried and I looked at them coldly. I stepped onto the battle area and so did Po

"Po, back out of this" I told him firmly, Po shook his head stubbornly "Po... I'm not going to go easy on you" I stated, Po nodded

"I wouldn't want it any other way!" Po said excited. I sighed and Shifu snapped, I got into my stance and lunged at Po swiftly. Po's eyes widened and I sighed knowing I couldn't win and not make Po sad. I pretended to miss my punch and made sure to give plenty of time for Po to land a hit on me, I saw Po hesitate which made me smile.

Po punched me lightly on the shoulder shutting his eyes tightly, I sighed and jumped backwards making it look like a massive hit. I bashed into the wall of the training hall making a large dent in the wall. I groaned and fell onto the ground. Po gasped along with the other Furious Five. Po ran over to me and knelt down laying my head on his lap. I looked at Po and put my fist in my paw saluting him, Po returned the gesture and I smiled at him weakly

"Good punch" I complimented "do me a favour and do the same to Shifu" I told him standing up. Po nodded and Shifu raised an eyebrow obviously knowing I pulled a stunt to make the punch look that powerful. Shifu stood in front of Po and said

"Step forth"

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