Bring it old man

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Eria's pov

The pig hits the gong and I punch the air in excitement as confetti sprinkles the sky and music plays. Everyone jumps up and down and cheers, I see a few crowd members wave so I excitedly wave back and they faint. I laugh and shoot blow kisses into the crowd. 12 geese walk down carrying 2 palanquins. Po looked at it with confusion and gestured to it with both hands. I squealed lightly in anticipation.

"Stop, wait! Who told you to...?" Master Shifu yelled, as soon as I heard that I knew he didn't want us as dragon warriors but that wasn't going to stop me! As soon as they stopped the palanquins I jumped into one

"I call this one!" I shouted to Po sticking my tongue out. Po didn't say anything but he hesitantly sat on his as I continued to stand on mine, swinging from the sides waving to the crowd. I realised that when Po sat down the furious five respectfully bowed like you would to a sensei which filled me with pride causing my back to straighten slightly. Po's palanquin was lifted very shakily as mine was lifted with ease.

"Master Oogway wait!" I heard Shifu say "that flabby Panda and weak wolf can't possibly be the answer to our problem." I growled slightly as I heard that but continued to wave to the crowd naturally "you were about to point at tigress when those...things fell in front of her!" He exclaimed "that was just as accident!" He accused

"There are no accidents" I stifled a laugh as Master Oogway said that, but as soon as Po fell through his palanquin I couldn't hold it and bursted out laughing as pigs picked up the palanquin as the geese couldn't anymore. I noticed that shifu was starring at me probably waiting for me to mess up, so I put a finger under my eye and dragged it down and stuck my tongue out

 I noticed that shifu was starring at me probably waiting for me to mess up, so I put a finger under my eye and dragged it down and stuck my tongue out

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That facial expression ^^^^
"Bleeeh" master Shifu's eyes went wide and his right eye twitched slightly and I gave him a smug grin

"Forgive us, master. We have failed you.." Tigress said and bowing deeply with the rest of the furious five. She seemed to snap Shifu out of his daze because in a second he brings up his paw in a stop fashion.

"No. If the panda and wolf has not quit by morning then I will have failed you" he said to them. I growled lowly knowing he could hear me with those giant ears. He turned to me and my muzzle crunched up and I snarled

'Bring it old man' I thought harshly

Third person pov

The snowstorm was getting to the point where the snow went side ways and the cold could make any animal shudder. In the middle of it all in between giant mountains rhinos watch as Zeng the goose flys to the location where he is to deliver an important message. Zeng crashes to the ground and rolls in front of the giant doors of a prison when rhinos aim their spears at him

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait! I bring a message...." he explains, the rhinos don't move so he adds "from master Shifu" the rhinos move their spears back in slight shock and nod at each other and open the massive doors silently delivering him to the head of the prison who has a backward horn unlike the rest of the rhinos. Zeng gives him the scroll when suddenly a loud shout is heard

"WHAT!? 'Double the guard'!? 'Extra precautions'!?" He asks Zeng who only laughs nervously "'your prison may not be adequate'!?" He asks scrunching up the paper and leaning forward into Zeng face. Zeng chuckles nervously once again and looks behind him to see 3 more angry rhinos holding their weapons tightly "you doubt my prison security!?" The rhino asks angrily. Zeng chuckles slightly

"Absolutely not." He says trying to deter their anger, it works slightly as they stand there "shifu does" he said making them angry once again "I'm just the messenger" he laughs out with his nerves on edge

"I'll give you a message for your master shifu" Zeng shakes so hard it's possible to hear his bones clicking together."escape from Chorh-Gom prison is impossible!" He says walking across the bridge with Zeng behind him. Zeng looks over the ledge to see many bridges alike to the one he was standing on with many other rhino guards on them.

The rhino surprises him by a 'friendly' slap on the back, the slap was so hard it made a few small and one large feathers come off of as Zeng squeaked

"Impressive isn't it" the rhino chuckled cockily Zeng nodded as he watched his feather float gracefully down

"I-It's very I-impressive, yes v-very impressive" Zeng stuttered out shaking

"One way in, one way out. One thousand guards and one prisoner." He said proudly to Zeng

"Yes, except that prisoner..." Zeng gulped "is tai lung" he said as his shaky voice broke. The rhinos on top of the bridge way puffed at him through his nose

"Take us down" said the chief rhino said as soon as Zeng stepped on, the sudden jerk of the lift made Zeng make a slight grunt. The rhino started shaking the lift frightening Zeng and laughed as he continued

"What are you doing!?" Zeng asks scared, he doesn't get an answer as the rhino continues to shake the lift and laugh "oh my..." Zeng says as they land

"Behold 'Tai Lung'" says the rhino calmly. If he wasn't covered in feathers you would see how the blood in his face drained "I'll, um...I'm just going to wait right here" Zeng said not wanting to go closer to the chained up criminal

"It's nothing to worry about. It perfectly safe." The rhino said in attempt to comfort the bird but at the end pushing the bird in closer. The torch the rhino held made the atmosphere gloomy and dark as it didn't provide much light "crossbows! at the ready!" He shouted up to the guards

"Crossbows?" Zeng mumbled nervously, the rhino ignored it and walked closer to the chained up prisoner

"Hey tough guy, did you hear?" He asked not really expecting an answer. Why would he? Tai Lung hasn't talked since he got here, in fact he hasn't even opened his eyes or reacted at all "Oogway finally gonna give someone the dragon scroll and it's not gonna be you!" He said teasingly

"What are you doing!? Don't get him mad" Zeng said shakily

"What's he gonna do about it??" The rhino asked "I've got him completely immobilised" he said and then cockily stepping on Tai Lung's tail. Zeng jumps back scared expecting a reaction from the mighty Tai Lung and stands confused when Tai Lung doesn't make any attempt to escape and the rhino laughs "oh did I step on the wittle kitty's tail? Aw" the rhino asks with fake sympathy

"I'm good!" Zeng says slightly louder than usual "I've seen enough.." he corrects himself "I'll tell shifu he's got nothing to worry about" he says as they walk away from Tai Lung

"No he doesn't" the rhino agrees

"Okay I'll tell him that" Zeng says just wanting to be out of there and voices his thoughts "can we please go now?" He says still nervous from being in the same building as Tai Lung

Meanwhile Zeng's feather that fell off floated gently down in front of Tai Lung, as soon as it landed Tai Lung's eyes snap open angrily to reveal his bright orange eyes that go darker once they head towards his pupil like a flame is escaping his soul. His tail gently slides across the floor collecting the feather and the smirk his face pulls into is hidden by the darkness of the prison.

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