Rocket chair

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Eria's wave to dad
Eria's pov

I face pawed as Po walked ungracefully with an 'excuse me', 'pardon me', or 'sorry' while he bumped into tables where people were eating

"Hey watch it Po!" Yelled a pig wearing a green hat and suit that had a purple sash around the middle. Po chuckle nervously

"Sorry. Suck it up!" He said then took a deep breath sucking in his stomach and lifting the noodles over his head, his tail went into a baby bunnies noodles and it started crying which caused me to cringe, I sighed and went back to cutting vegetables for dad.

I only got 4 cabbage cut up when a song went off in the back of the shop. My eyes widened and I turned and went out to the back of the shop by jumping over people's heads and full tables, when I got there I saw Po standing in front of it and heard him say

"Master Oogway is choosing the dragon warrior! Today!" A smile spread its self on my lips and my tail started wagging as fast as I've ever seen it go 'I'm gonna see my hero again!' After I thought that my ears perked fully up and I ran to my room to collect a bunch of things to take with me to prove how much I've learnt after I met him. Downstairs I heard Po making everyone leave the shop and go see who got picked as the dragon warrior, but I didn't mind.

I packed as much as I could, I heard Po leave quite some time ago but I didn't mind. I quickly ran to the tower but at the bottom of the stairs I saw the noodle cart. What idiot would leave this here? Wait Po?

I sprinted up the stairs carrying the noodle cart on my back, I saw the big doors closed and Po on a chair that had rockets tied to the bottom. Po just light the tip of the rocket when there's a voice

"Po what are you doing!?" I heard from beside me. I jumped and looked beside me to see dad holding a noodle hat and apron.

"What does it look like I'm doing!?" Po asks while dad is running around the chair trying to blow out the rocket "stop, stop!" He yells trying to stop dad from blowing them out "I'm going to see the dragon warrior!" He yelled seriously at dad. I went to the giant door and opened it slightly. Seriously Po? I face pawed on the other side was master Oogway walking slowly to the furious five. From behind me the conversation kept going

"But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream!" Dad exclaimed sadly I looked behind me and walked over to tell Po the door is open

"I lied" Po admits "I don't dream about noodles, dad" he explained in an obvious tone. Dad head perks up in shock and sadness and my ears pin back. He could have explained it nicer, I noticed he looked down and saw what he did the rocket was about to go off "I love Kung fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...." he yelled continuing until the chair he was on fell over and the rocket was already meant to go off. Po starts sniffling and his lip is quivering. I sighed not able to stay mad at him and walked over to him about to help him up

"You okay Po?" I asked softly he nodded into he dirt

"Oh, come on son. Let's get back to work" dad said holding up Po's apron. Po sighs in defeat and starts getting up

"Ok" he says with sadness

"Nope, actually the door is still op-" I was cut off by Po yelling and the fireworks on the end of his chair going off. My eyes widen as he shoots into a wall. I see dad hold his wings up to his face but I start laughing

"Oh! Come back!" Dad yells at Po but I just laugh until I notice a rope on my leg connecting me to the chair my ears pin back and my eyes widen, I wave at dad slowly in a 'bye' manner and shoot up in the air with Po slightly ahead.

We both scream as we shoot up and the fireworks go off burning our fur but we keep screaming as Po slows down I stay the same speed and catch up to him once we stop going up fully and I grab onto Po's stomach still screaming. We stop for a second as the badly burnt chair and rope dust beneath us

"Uh-oh" Po says as we are about to start dropping

"I blame you for this" I said glaring at Po but not fully. We quickly start screaming again as we drop from the sky heading straight for the middle of the arena. As Po landed flat on the ground I landed on top of him and darkness filled my vision.

833 words not including the authors note

IM SOOOORRRRRYYYYY I DIDNT POST EARLIER!😭 I couldn't think of what to write but I think I know what to do now! If you have any ideas on the story tell me 😜

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