"I know, Liz. I'm so sorry, guys." She kept both arms around Alice and Asher, who huddled close to her. "But I couldn't let the opportunity pass, and it actually paid off. I've got a job! I'll be working as a PA for a lawyer. I've had quite a lot of experience in that area, of course, but this time my boss seems like a genuinely good guy."

"That's... that's great!" I said, reeling from this new development.

"Well, this calls for a celebration," Elizabeth said, smiling. "I'm sure I've got a bottle of bubbly here somewhere..."

"That sounds great, Liz." Mom smiled, and I saw a light in her eyes that I hadn't seen since she lost her last job. Her whole face was glowing - making her look years younger. She'd been permanently worried these past few months, and especially the past week since the fire. I felt a weight I hadn't realized was there being lifted off my own shoulders. She had a job. A job.

"But what took you so long?" I asked, realizing she hadn't explained.

"Well..." Mom looked down at the twins. "Why don't you guys go and watch TV?"

"Okay!" Alice and Asher chirped happily, scampering into the living room. Mom and I followed Elizabeth into the kitchen.

"The thing is," Mom said, taking a deep breath, "my boss, Mr. Coleman, doesn't know I have children."

"What?" I said, confused.

"Why?" Elizabeth asked, looking equally befuddled.

"Well, I went by the firm, Coleman's Solicitors, just to drop off my resume. It's a small private firm, opened quite recently. I wasn't expecting much. I wasn't expecting anything to come of it at all, actually. But the receptionist told me to wait a minute, and said she'd send me through to her boss right away. I was surprised; I mean, I've been chasing dead ends for months now. But it turns out that his old PA left him in the lurch with a big case right around the corner, so he was desperately in need of a PA. Someone who could start immediately. It seemed like fate," Mom told us. "At that time, I still had an hour until school let out for you, Zoe, so I didn't think of calling or texting. I thought I'd be well on my way to you by then. However, the first thing Mr. Coleman said when I introduced myself was that he worked long and unpredictable hours as he was still building his firm up. He said he was looking for someone who didn't have attachments, someone who would essentially be on call 24/7, and could come into work if called in last minute. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware of how desperately I needed the job, but I began to think maybe it wouldn't be the right position for me. After all, you kids are my first priority."

"Beggars can't be choosers," I said, and then flushed. "I mean-"

"I know what you mean," Mom said, ruefully. "I can't afford to be picky about what job I do. At first, I wasn't sure what to think of Mr. Coleman as he laid out everything he expected from his PA. But then he continued, saying, in return, he paid a very generous salary, far more generous than his competitors, and he treated his employees well with annual bonuses and extended time off during the holidays. The firm is very respectable, and I could see myself that they treat their employees, even the assistants, well. He pays far more than my old job, so I decided that I couldn't take any risks. We needed the job too much. When he asked about my entanglements and my social life, I said that I didn't have any responsibilities, and the job would be my first priority. I could tell it was exactly what he was looking to hear. Me, saying I was a single Mom with three kids, would not have gotten me the job."

"Surely that's discrimination?" Elizabeth said, in consternation. "He sounds very disagreeable."

"He explained saying that he was trying to make a success of his firm, and he needed a reliable assistant that he could depend on during all hours. I ended up just nodding, smiling, and saying that I understood. I mean, what else could I do? Apart from the hours, this job is perfect. It fits my skill set, and the pay is more than enough to make up for the unpredictable hours."

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