Chapter Two

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I awoke feeling completely disoriented

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I awoke feeling completely disoriented. I blinked at the ceiling, having no idea where I was. It took a minute for everything to come rushing back to me. And when it did, I had to swallow hard, my throat feeling raw.

Rays of orange sunlight streamed through the open window, illuminating the room and further accentuating how shabby it was. It felt early, but without a clock, I had no way of knowing exactly what time it was.

The twins were already up and whispering to each other. A dog barked outside, and loud voices filtered through the thin walls of the apartment from next door. Being a light sleeper, I was surprised I hadn't woken up sooner.

My head started to pound as I sat up, and I wondered, for a moment, if I was tired enough to go back to sleep. As if in answer, the argument from next door got louder.

"You fucking pig," a high-pitched voice shrieked, only slightly muffled through the wall.

Alice gasped loudly, her mouth forming a perfect 'o'.

"That's a bad word," Asher whisper-shouted, wide-eyed and positively gleeful at hearing someone curse.

"Come on." I swung my legs out of bed as the argument got louder. Ushering the twins into the living room, I felt exhausted by the day already.

Mom was awake, staring blankly out of the living room window. She blinked when she heard us, and plastered a smile on her face.

"You're up early," she said, and then the racket from next door seemed to register with her. "What on earth–?"

She walked into the bedroom, her expression darkening.

"She's saying bad words," Alice said, as though we couldn't all hear that ourselves.

"How long has that been going on?" Mom asked, furious. She shut the bedroom door, muting the argument. "Is common curtsy too much to ask for? It's six in the morning! I'm going to go over there and have a word."

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" I asked, glancing at the digital clock on the kitchen stove.


Damn. It was early. Too early. The day would feel impossibly long and drag endlessly, I just knew it.

It was a second before Mom appeared to hear me. She pursed her lips, still angry. "If it happens again, I'm calling the police."

I didn't argue.

Alice leaned into Mom, demanding her attention. "Mom, I'm bored."

"Are you hungry?" Mom asked, smoothing her hair down affectionately. "I'll make us all some breakfast."

"I don't want anything," I said. Plopping down on the couch, I smothered a yawn.

"Okay, it's still early, but you need to have something before school," Mom said, grabbing some milk and a cereal box, as well as some plastic bowls she'd purchased at Walmart.

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