And So Things Begin To Calm

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Pain. It was everywhere, in every muscle and bone of his body. Such intense pain - ah, that's better. Now it just feels floaty - floaty feels good.

Ow, now the pain is back, and something else too: something stuck down his throat.

Oh God, it's choking him, cutting off his air. He wants it out - it has to get out.

There's a flurry of activity around him, indistinct voices shouting. He doesn't like the shouting - it hurts his head.

The thing in his throat is still there, and he can't breathe. He's starting to choke on it, trying to breathe around it, when there's a familiar voice that breaks through the chaos.

"Easy, kid. Don't fight it - we'll get it out in a second."

Ant? Was that Ant?

The familiar voice of his best friend calms him, and he relaxes back a little. But he still coughs and gags around the tube as more hands - unfamiliar ones this time - are placed on his chin as they start to pull the tube out.

Argh! That hurts! He moans in pain as the tube is removed, gag reflex preventing him from making any further noise.

And then, just like that, the horrid thing in his throat is gone, and he lies there in the darkness, panting.

"Decs? You back with us kidda?"

That was Ant's voice again. Oh, it was good to hear his voice!

"Come on, open your eyes, bud" That was his brother, Dermott. What was he doing here? 

"It's alright, son. You're okay now" That was his mam - and she sounded near tears.

Please don't cry Mam, he pleaded inside his head.

Then more noises started to drift into his ears: the sound of beeping, the sound of people holding their breaths, the sound of his sisters crying.

It was confusing, and he was so very tired.

"Come on, you can go back to sleep when we know you're alright!"

Urgh, he groaned as he relaxed back into the softness around him.

"Seriously mate, just open your eyes for us."

Was that Martin? He was there too? Did someone plan some wacky family reunion without telling him?

As the seconds passed, his confusion got the better of him, and he slowly began to open his eyes.


It took surprisingly more effort than one would have expected, but eventually Dec's eyes slowly crawled open. 

Blinking to clear his vision, he was surprised to see his whole family, Ant, Ali and Lisa all crowded around him, looking at him expectantly.

"Uh.....hi guys" he croaked - voice horrendously hoarse.

The effect of his words was almost instantaneous: his brothers and sisters all whooped happily, his mam threw her arms around him, and Ant, Lisa and Ali were all suddenly grinning widely.

"Mam.....Mam, can't breathe" Dec whispered to his mother - who was being a little too enthusiastic with her hug.

"Oh, sorry pet" she immediately apologised as she pulled back, looking at him with a teary smile of relief.

"Welcome back, Doolittle!" Lisa cheered excitedly, grin threatening to split her face in half.

Dec raised an eyebrow - he wasn't aware he'd gone anywhere.

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