The Ouija Board

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By the next morning, news of the accident - and its victims - had been widely spread throughout the media. The hospital was being guarded by members of the press, all keen to catch a snapshot or glean an exclusive comment from a member of staff, or - even better - one of the boys themselves.

It was incredibly frustrating to some - particularly the staff at the hospital who wanted nothing to do with the flurry of press activity at the entrance to the hospital every time they went in to work. Ant felt quite sorry for them actually, but he had his own problems to deal with every time he wanted to enter and leave the hospital himself.

He tried to tell himself that the reporters were just doing their jobs, but honestly, they could go about it in a more appropriate - and a more sensitive - way than they were. Eventually, he was told about a secret entrance to the hospital - one used by staff and suppliers - and he was told by the hospital director that he could use that entrance to get into the hospital, in order to avoid the hounding.

Ant - as well as Lisa, Ali, and the rest of their colleagues - had thanked him profusely.

He'd also received a phone call from the Britain's Got Talent  crew, who - along with Simon and the other judges - had told him not to worry about coming in for the auditions that day. They had also said that they were considering cancelling the remaining auditions out of respect for the pair of them.

Ant had protested at that - arguing that the auditions had already been booked, and so many people were looking forward to both watching and participating in the show that it didn't make sense to cancel them.

Eventually, they had reached an agreement: the auditions would go ahead, but with Stephen Mulhern as the host. That way, the show could go on, and it would still allow the boys time to rest and recover properly.

After settling the matter, the crew and the judges sent their well-wishes and then hung up.

Ant was relieved that the auditions had been taken care of - that meant one less thing he had to worry about right now.

It seemed like he had just gotten off the phone with the team when the doors opened and a group of about half a dozen people walked in. Initially started, Ant quickly relaxed when he saw that it was Dec's mother and his siblings.

"Oh, Anthony. Thank goodness you're alright sweetheart" Anne gushed, walking forward to wrap her surrogate son in a warm hug.

Ant felt himself melt into her arms - he loved Anne's hugs almost as much as he loved his own mam's: there was nothing to beat a mam-hug, he'd decided, and Anne and Christine gave the best ones around.

Standing a few metres away, Dec watched the scene with a sad smile on his face. He was glad to see his friend being comforted by his mam, knowing just how much they both needed it right now.

He watched as Anne stepped back and Ant was greeted by Eammon, Dermott and Martin, who all pulled him into another hug. His sisters, not wanting to be left out of the action, quickly joined in, so soon Ant found himself in the middle of a Donnelly group hug.

"You look pretty washed out, pet. Have you gotten any sleep?" Anne asked as they all stood back, taking Ant's face in her hands.

Dec had to laugh at that - he was the one she was here to see, and she still ended up mothering his best mate.

Ant shook his head, eyelids drooping a little.

Anne gave him a sympathetic smile, putting a hand on each of his shoulders.

"Go home, get yourself cleaned up, and get some sleep" she ordered kindly, smiling wider when Ant's response was a jaw-cracking yawn.

As if summoned by magic, Lisa appeared at the door to the ward, holding a jacket over her arm and smiling in their direction. 

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