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-Cinder POV-

(Cinders thoughts): Boss? What is he? I can just sense the dangerous aura on him and it would seem as the others picked up on it to.

(Emerald): What are you? What do you want?
(Mercury): Id answer her if I were you

All '(YN)' did in response is just chuckle. Like he wasn't threatened by us... Just what is he?

(Y/N): I simply am but a product of a man who wants peace... That is all you need to know. And what I called you all here for is quiet simple really... I have a job to offer all of you.

(Roman): well then, FIRST we need to discuss the amount of pay. Top tier theives like me don't work for free

(YN) again just laughs at this then closes his eyes like hes focused on something... Moments later all of our scrolls got a message... He already paid us money. And lots of it.

(Mercury): Thats a LOT of zeros...
(YN): yes yes if you have enough money you can make anyone do whatever you want... Humans just love to climb upon and destroy eachother for the sake of reputation
(Cinder): Alright... But what IS this job you want us to do?

(YN) just goes to back and puts on one of the priests robes... The one he put on happen to cover him up except for his (Favorite color) eyes

(YN): nothing to far from what you all normally do... For now we are going to steal dust. Now go and prepare for your mission

-(YN) POV-
Now that my new lackys have left... As the soon to be ruler of this world I must have an army...hmm? Adam Taurus... White Fang?... Very well then. Lets meet Adam...

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