14 - Second Thoughts

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Hitomi's POV

After Fubuki treated me, I thanked her and headed towards the door until she stopped me. "Hitomi," I looked at her. "Your wounds clearly show signs of abuse. Have you told anyone?" She asked, sincerely.

I didn't say anything and looked at the door in front of me. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. It's okay to tell someone about this." She said. I continued to stare at the door before mumbling, "Thank you for your help, Blizzard of Hell."

I left the room and walked over to the three heroes and ninja. "How are you feeling?" Bang asked. "Better." I answered. "Say, what's your relationship with this young man?" He asked. "Excuse me?" I said, raising a brow.

"Genos told me that you and Saitama are best friends, so what about the young lad who introduced himself as Kiba Inzuka from the village hidden in the leaves."

"Uh-huh. And?"

"Are you two friends?"

I went to answer until Saitama spoke up. "Those two are dating." He said, straightforwardly. "Saitama, mind your own business!" I shouted. "Hey, what are they doing here?"

Hinata, Shino, and Kurenai were here, and Kurenai seemed to be scolding Kiba as if she were his mother.

Wait, is she his mother?

"Kiba's team was looking for him. According to his mother, she said that he went here. So, there they are." Saitama explained. 'Oh. So, Kurenai isn't Kiba's mother. My mistake.' I thought. "They also claimed to have a mission taking place in the city." Genos added.

"What's the mission?" I asked. "The information was classified." He said. "Uh-huh. Saitama, can I go to your house? I need to lie down for a bit." I said. "No can do right now, Hitomi. Genos and I were brought here for a reason. Why don't you go to your own house and rest up?" Saitama suggested.

"No, I wanna be at your house." I whined, and noticed Genos was eyeing me suspiciously. "Hitomi, why don't you stay here for a bit?"

"Aw, but why? This has nothing to do with me. And besides, I'm not a hero. Therefore, it doesn't concern me," That's when I remembered I'd be going back to an abusive mother. I know for a fact she's home from grocery shopping.

"On second thought, I think I'll stay here. It'll be a lot better than staying at home doing nothing." I said, quickly. "All right, let's go this way." Bang said, leading the way.

Kiba's POV

"But I can't leave right now!" I said to Kurenai. "Kiba, we have a mission to accomplish. We just can't abandon it." She replied. I didn't want to leave Hitomi because I was afraid whatever attacked her could come back and finish the job by killing her.

"I see now. You're worried about Hitomi," Shino said, seeing though me like a mirror. "Hitomi is surrounded by friends who love her. Not to mention, she's in an association filled with people with their strength and abilities. She'll be fine. Therefore, you have nothing worry about. Now let's go. We have a mission to accomplish."

"Shino's right. Hitomi will be fine." Kurenai agreed. I looked back at Hitomi as she walked off with Saitama and the others. "Okay." I said, hesitantly before leaving with them.

Hitomi's POV

It was quiet as we walked to the meeting. I wasn't really much in a talking mood either since I was still a bit sore. "You look like you're still in a bit of pain." Genos noticed. "I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Would you like me to carry you?" He offered. "No, thanks," I said. I looked at genos as he was looking at me with a bit of worry and suspicion. "What is it?"

"Usually, you'd be happy and agreed to let me carry you, or when you want to be carried."


"So, what's going on with you? You're not your usual energetic, happy-go-lucky self."


"Did... something happen between you and your mother? Was she the one who... put you in the state you're in now?"

My eyes widened because I was afraid he would figure out my situation. "No! Of course not! Everything's fine!" I insisted.

"So, what happened to you?" Genos asked. "I, uh... fell down the stairs. Yeah, that's it! You know me! Me and my clumsy ass! Here, give me a piggyback ride!" I said, holding my arms up like a kid. Genos looked at me suspiciously before obliging with my request.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and Genos began walking again as he held legs up to keep me from falling. Now I was getting really worried because if Genos were to find out what Mom's been doing to me, Mom will find out, get mad, and do something dangerous.

I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me and I don't wanna burden anyone. I have to deal with this situation on my own. Or figure a way to get out of it at least.

Sorry to cut this chapter a bit short. I'm working on rewriting one of my books, 'Escaping His Past'.

I'll try and make the next chapter longer.

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