8 - Captured

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Back in Auradon....

FG prepare to cast the spell, but they had to gather all of the villains so they went to the Villain Village and with out being seen FG casted the spell:

Above and behold the villains shall be, taken to their new place at sea. They shall be contained behind a force combined by my light. Shall it stay forevermore until the core four renew you.

A bright golden light blinded all the villains and once it disappeared they were on an island but before anyone tried anything a magical barrier popped up around them. The villains were angry, FG felt bad for some odd reason, but the royals were celebrating their victory.

On the island....

"WHY THE HECK ARE WE ON THIS STINKEN ISLAND!? HOW DID WE EVEN GET HERE! UGH!" Maleficent yelled. Everyone feared her of cousre and stayed clear of her and her wrath.

Years later....

"WE STILL STUCK IN THIS HELL HOLE AND THERE IS NO WAY OUT!" Maleficent yells frightening everyone in the room.

"Mother, I'm going to go steal stuff. Is there anything you need me to get?" Mal asks in a monotone voice.

"No, no. Nothing, run along!"

Mal runs out and hurries to grab her bag of spray cans. Today was the day she will paint her new tag.

Mal was finishing it up when she had a sudden urge to sing her new song she completed that spoke the heart of a VK. But what she didn't know was her friends memorized the song and sang with her.

M - They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
And that makes me glad

Jay hears her and joins in on the fun which surprised Mal.

J - A dirty no good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home

Evie watched Jay and jumped right in.

E - So I got some mischief
In my blood
Cab you blame me?
I never got no love

Carlos was having so much fun he joined in right in time.

C - They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless


Mal & Evie joined together in the alleyway and sang...

M/E - Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my Wicked World,
Wicked World

All - I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next,
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the, core
I'm rotten to the
I'm rotten to the core

M - Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that?
I'm just unique

J - What me a traitor?
Ain't got your back?
Are we not friends?
What up with that?

E - So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart
I made ya hurt

C - The past is past
Forgive forget
The truth is


M/E - Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my Wicked World,
Wicked World

Dance number

All - I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next,
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the, core
I'm rotten to the
I'm rotten to the core


The VKs were enjoying them selves but here is something that happened that they didn't know about... what no one knew about....

In Auradon the royal council wanted to check on the villains and see how they were doing.... they all dont have that cold of a heart by the way.... any way they turn on the survalince cameras. They all gasp when they see them all living in poverty and damaged homes, they were feeling bad about the situation. Ben was in this meeting and points out a purple haired girl with a big black bag on her shoulder.

"Dad, who is that? And why do they have that big of a bag?" Ben asks the king.

"I don't know son, let's watch her and see what she does..." All royals agree and they zoom in on her.

They see her looking at a blank wall, eyeing it then setting her bag down opening it and starts to paint a tag. Within 8 minutes she was doing touch ups. Every royal was surprised by her talent and how fast she was done. They then see her turn around fast her mouth moving.

"Turn it up!" Ben says. Someone does and they hear the most beautiful voice, singing. Then 3 others join in. Thus goes on until the dance number where everyone is just shocked with their jaws hanging wide. Once they stop they are laughing. They all watch more and more. They see a man trying to seek up on the purple haired girl. No one notices, he gets close but right when he is about to grab something off her with a blink of an eye... He is pinned to the ground with his face in the dirt. Then a voice is heard, "Don't you dare come close to me again or else you will deal with me. And you don't want me to deal with you, your lucky I don't just send you off to my mother. But then again I can do much worse. Stay away from me or you won't live until dawn. Got it?" The man nods scared, "Now run along!" She says as she kicks him hard and he scrambles to get away. "Nice one Mal, That's the 12th one this week. You think they would be smart enough to not mess with the daughter of Maleficent." The blue haired girl says. "I know right, what a bunch of idiots! But here's something I got to ask you.... How did you know the lyrics to my song? I just finished it yesterday!" The other laugh nervously. But the royals they are just to shocked. They are amazed at this group of kids.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the songs

Winter Ball PrequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora