3 - The Evil Life Style

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Even with the stolen children the villains, kept on planning revenge on all of Auradon. 

But Maleficent was having a hard time with Mal. Even though she had taken the one child with magic. It was still bringing suspicion from the neighbors. Why you might ask? One reason......

Mal has ice, water, and snow powers. And Maleficent's family tree has never ever had someone with something even close to water. Maleficent had to do something about it, and fast. You can't keep neighbors quiet for long...

Okay, okay I need to think of something fast... but what can i do to hide her powers?... OH! ...

<Maleficent flips pages in spellbook>

I found it! Yes,.... now okay I need:

8 pinches of ......... Darkness Powder

3 drops of ............ Witch's Blood

5 drops of ............ Dragon Tears

1 pinch of ............ Fairy Dust

1/2 pinch of ........ Essence of Death

3  indiviual ......... Baby Dragon Claws

Maleficent gathered all the needed ingredients and put them in the boiling coldren. It created a potion/drink that Malissa 'Mal', had to drink...

"MAL!!!!!!!!" Maleficent yells.

A little four-and-a-half-year-old girl with purple hair hurriedly ran down the stairs of the Forbidden Fortress.

"Yes mother?" 'Mal' asked.

"Would you like a drink my dear? You must be exhasted from playing with your friends." Maleficent says in a sickingly sweet voice.

"Thank you mother!" 'Mal' took the cup of the potion and drank every last drop knowing she whould need the energy if she was going to practice her stealing skills with 'Jay'. "Whoah, um uh mom?.." 'Mal' was trying to speak but after drinking the potion she got light-headed and past out.

Maleficent smirked and took 'Mal' back to her dark, gloomy, purple room:

Maleficent smirked and took 'Mal' back to her dark, gloomy, purple room:

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Evie was with the Evil Queen learning about beauty tips....

"Evie! My little evil-ette in training, come here dear."

"Coming mommy!"

Evie runs down the castle staircase to find EQ standing at the bottom shaking her head...

"Evie! We do not run down the stairs, it is not lady like!"

"Sorry mom I promise I won't do it again."

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