The reception

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After the ceremony we all went to the golf club. When we got there we saw all the tables set out with pink and blue flowers then we all sat down. John stood up and said that both of them were giving speeches and John was first. " First I would like to say thank you for all coming here to celebrate our wedding. Me and Sherlock have been friends since we were young and met on a case which Sherlock was doing. We started going out the day I met meg and the doctor. It was the best day of my life. I'm not good at speeches but I said something that's all thanks". He sat down and everyone was sobbing.

Then it was Sherlocks turn. " As John said we have been mates for years and I remember the day we met, I was researching about Rose Tyler and I needed a blogger so I could keep track". I could see the doctor welling up at the thought of rose." I came across this handsome man who was blogging for the merders. I introduced myself and that's how it started. Then 5 years later we became lovers. That was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Then when I went to fall of the roof top he was ready to catch me. Thank you". He sat down and everyone clapped. All the people cried.

" Its time to dance" The doctor screamed. Everyone laughed then stood up to dance. We were dancing to queen when the announcement sounded " Clear the floor for the first dance". John and Sherlock took to the stage. They song was everything is ending by chameleon circuit which is a unique song choice but there. They came out and did the most romantic dance I have ever seen. After about a minute other couples joined in. It was so sweet. After the first dance on came the macaraina and everyone joined in. It was so fun this went on all night. We were all singing and dancing then....." Did you miss me?"

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