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I looked at Sherlock and John together and I felt some sort of built up anger like jealousy but it wasn't obviously. Anyway, I just stared at them for a while. I tried to hide my new feeling inside I felt heart broken. " ah ha so you two are?" I said. I saw Sherlocks mouth move but nothing came out. He pointed towards a door. There in the door was a weeping angel. But there was something behind it. It looked like a person. Then the thing stepped out from behind the angel. Sherlock whispered in my ear" Moriarty ". I looked at him and gave him a looks as if to say who? " Ah ha Sherlock I new you didn't die when you fell of that roof. I have microft and the doctor held hostage. I know you Sherlock I know you will come out soon". I thought in my head ' you already came out Sherlock'. The man carried on. " Sherlock look I know your secret. Come out before I tell Molly and the rest of your team". I saw a tear roll down Sherlocks cheek. I felt so bad for him. John kissed him on the cheek. I could tell they were naturally close. " Fine! Ill call the press" The man shouted. Sherlock stepped out. " Sherlock no!' "Ha ha I knew you would come out sometime sSherlock oh sorry you already did". I stepped towards John. Then he went out. I had to follow him. " ah here's your new team. Oh and your 'buddy'". I saw the man pull out a gun from his pocket. " I'm not afraid to shoot him honestly". I saw him tighten grip. " I want you to sacrifice everything you own". I saw Sherlock panic. He stood there frozen. I could tell he was worried. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I didn't quite under stand. The man pulled the gun up and pointed it towards John. " So what will it be Sherlock. John or your deduction power?" I saw Sherlock mouth the words sorry. The man put his fingers on the trigger. " I'm gonna have to rush you now Sherlock what is it gonna be?" I saw Sherlock crying and panicking. I felt bad for him. I wanted to yell at the man so much but I just backed away slowly. " Your not going any where little lady. I want you to see this" I just stood still. " Ease Moriarty don't do this. I'm begging you" Sherlock cried. " I'm afraid Sherlock it's your turn to be hurt". He saw John crying so bad. " It's ok Sherlock. I don't mind dieing as long as I die with you." Moriarty sighed and tightened his grip even more. " I think that if it wasn't for you I wouldn't of had such an amazing life. I need you too remember me the way I was not the way I am now". I saw that both of them were crying even more. I felt a load of tears roll down my cheeks but I just wiped them away. " John don't you dare do this. Please don't I will give it all up for you. I will". " Sherlock I can't let you do that. all the lives you are destroying by this. Just let it happen". This whole moment was so sentimental I just panicked and hid. I felt so bad about it but I couldn't deal with the sadness. " John please don't die who will I have to live for". Sherlock said in an even deeper voice than ever. " Sherlock I need to tell you something, I love you sSherlock I love you". " And I love you too" said sSherlock " bye Sherlock ......" The gun went and John fell to the floor. I saw Sherlock have a fit and then collapse on top of his body. " John no!" He was in such a mess. I new how sad Sherlock was so I said" when we get home we give him the send off he deserves". .

doctor? Doctor who??????حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن