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. 'Come on, John! We've got a case!' Sherlock called to John, walking towards the abandoned house, his head snapping back every now and then.

'Okay, okay. But who is that man? Is he like, a client?' John asked, picking up his pace. 'His... name... is The Doctor.' 'Doctor? Doctor Who?' John asked. Sherlock ignored the question, opening the door to the house. John followed in, stopping in front of some stone statues. 'Hey, Sherlock! Have you seen these?' He called. 'They're beautiful!' John reached out to touch one of them, before Sherlock grabbed his wrist, stopping him. John felt a tingle run down his arm from where Sherlock touched him, but he shrugged it off. 'John, don't touch those!' Sherlock snapped pulling him away. I thought that this John guy was a little thick. I mean come on, who would look at a statue and touch it. It could have a posion on it you never know.

'Why not?' John asked, blinking in confusion. One of the angel statues moved closer, towering over the two men. 'They're weeping angels. Touch them, you die. Blink, they move closer so they can touch you. So I strongly advice you do not blink.' Sherlock explained, but John had blinked three times. One. Two. Three. The two men were now surrounded by weeping angels, completely circling them. 'John, keep your eyes on the statues.' Sherlock ordered, not blinking once. 'Why Sherlock? What's going o-' 'Don't ask questions. Just stare at it. And don't blink.' John nodded obediently. Sherlock and John shook with fear as their eyes flicked up the huge, grey statues looming over them. They stood back to back, and the angels faced each other. 'You're scared.' John stated, squinting up at the weeping angel. 'A brilliant deduction, John. You're improving.' Sherlock snapped in a harsh fashion. 'Same old Sherlock, aren't you? You're about to be killed by a stone statue but you can still find time to be sassy. I'm serious Sherlock, are you okay?' John sighed, resisting the urge to turn his head and look into his detectives eyes one last time. 'Honestly? No. I'm not okay. Because no matter what happens here, I'm going to lose you.' John's mouth fell open. Not that Sherlock could see him. 'Really Sherlock? That's, urm, nice.' John muttered, confused at Sherlock's sudden sentiment. 'Yep.' Sherlock replied, his eyes straining. 'Sherlock? Try and use your mind palace to remember how to get out of this. Please.' John pleaded, his eyes now watering with pain. 'Yes. Good idea. Okay...' Sherlock murdered, scanning his mind palace for anything and everything the Doctor had ever told them about weeping angels and time and... stuff. 'Just don't blink. Blink and you're dead.' Nope... 'Time is not a progressive line. It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff.' Not that... 'They're the loneliest aliens in the cosmos. If they see each other, they will be frozen. Killed. Kicked the bucket.' Yes! 'John, I've got it! If they look at each other, they freeze still and die. We need them to look at each other.' Sherlock explained carefully. He felt John nod. 'Well, they're facing each other now. If we got out of their line of vision, surely they'd be looking at each other then?' John suggested, his eyes growing more and more painful. Sherlock didn't reply straight away, and John could practically hear the cogs in his amazing head whirring. Suddenly, Sherlock spoke. 'Right. Let's do it.' He said softly. John's heart fluttered slightly at the sudden change of tone in Sherlock's voice, but he ignored it. He was used to that feeling. 'Sherlock?' 'Hm?' 'What if... it goes wrong?' 'If it goes wrong, I should probably tell yoj something before hand. I... I think I l-love you.' Sherlock rushed out, not stopping to breathe. John felt a smile creep onto his face. 'Well I think I love you too.' He grinned confidently. The two men were silent for a couple of seconds, before Sherlock sprung into action. 'Okay, John. On the count of three, we duck out between their arms and run. One... Two...' 'Three.' They shouted in synchronization, ducking out of the weeping angels and down a long corridor. After five minutes of running, the two men stopped and ducked into a cupboard, just in case it still wasn't safe. 'John...' Sherlock breathed, still catching his breath. 'Yeah?' John panted back, clutching his side. 'I meant what I said.' He stated, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. 'Ditto me you.' 'So-' John cut Sherlock off by pressing his lips against his harshly. He pulled away after 3 seconds, regretting it, but Sherlock cupped his cheeks in his hands and pulled him into another kiss. John and Sherlock both felt like flying for several reasons. One, they were both alive. Two, they were locked in a cupboard together. Three, they were kissing. Not a heated or sexual kiss, just soft and full of emotion. 'You saved my life back there.' John whispered when they pulled away again. 'And you just saved mine.' Sherlock whispered back, smiling softly for the first time in a long while.

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