Chapter 9.

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Smut whoops.

"Vic needs you." That was all I needed to start packing my bags and heading home.

"What happened? Is he okay? I'm on my way now." Mike let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh, Kellin. I don't know what I'd do without you right now." His voice was wavering.

"Mike. What happened?" I repeated.

"Vic's cutting again." My jaw dropped and I dropped the clothing I was stuffing into my bag.

"Fuck packing. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Thank you so much."

"Yeah, yeah. I wish I didn't have to come, but I'm coming." I said while wiping tears angrily from my face. Why was he doing this? He brought all of this on himself!

As soon as I hung up with Mike, I was on the phone with Alex. "Dude, I'm going home. It's an emergency. I'll get my stuff later but Vic needs me."

He must have heard the desperation in my voice, because he didn't even put up a fight or lecture me on how stupid I was being for going back to Vic. "Just do what you need to do, man. I'll get your stuff together and drop it off later."

"Thank you so much, Alex."

"Of course."

As I had no car to get to Vic's, I sprinted as fast as I possibly could the whole way. I could barely breathe by the time I got there and my face was numb, but adrenaline was pushing my body to the extreme. I slammed into the front door and pounded on it. I nearly fell into Mike when he opened the door.

"Mom just called; our parents are spending the night at some place. Won't be back 'till tomorrow night."

"You didn't tell them?"

"This would kill them, Kells. We gotta keep this quiet from them." He begged.

"Whatever, I need to see him. We'll talk later."

"He's in his room. I'll give you two some time. I actually have to, uh, go somewhere. I'll come back later tonight." He looked worried and tired, as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders right now. I patted him on the back. This has to be difficult for him.

"Take all the time you need." I didn't wait for his reply before I went up the stairs two at a time and swung Vic's door open. "Victor Vincent Fuentes, what the hell do you think you're doing to yourself?!" I cried as soon as I laid eyes on him. I ran to his bed and jumped on him. I - no, we - needed this closeness. It had been a long time since I held him. The second I touched him, the awful pain in my chest vanished. I felt a little more okay, a little more sane when I held him.

His sobs pounded into me like thunder. "I'm sorry, so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just-" He was cut off by his own tears. I wrapped my arms as tightly as I could around him, unwilling to ever let go.

"Shh, Vic. Calm down." I said through strangled tears of my own. He took one of my hands and intertwined it with mine while he took some deep breaths until he was able to speak again.

"Kellin." He looked at me like I was a miracle. The next second his lips were crashing into mine as I fell back on the bed with Vic on top of me. "Oh, my god, you're really here. You have to forgive me. I need you back. Please, I love you, I'm sorry, I'll do whatever you need and want and I'll spend every second of my life with you and I was a douchebag for dumping you and I need you please." He spoke in between kissing my face.

"You had me at the first 'I need you', but I have to know: why'd you dump me in the first place?" I didn't want to ask, but I had to know. It was the question that had eaten me alive since the second I left this house.

In The Sudden Death, We Fought Back. (Sequel to The Soul Mate.)Where stories live. Discover now