CHAP 6. No Running

Start from the beginning

In ideal situation it would have been then leaded to all shitty emotions. And me hating him for not loving me back. But in reality I never could bring myself to hate him. I just couldn't. I did feel pangs of shutters and a little heartbroken after the moment. I was so thankful that Shivi had been with me during the whole process. But I totally understood where he was coming from and I totally respected that. I still do. And it's not like I could've forced him to love me back. But that didn't help me stop.

I smiled feebly at him.

"You going to represent school at Extramurals this year?" Thank God, he left that topic there. I was feeling awkward even with him being cool with our situation.


"Ok... Ay, Let's get to the class." He said with that same smile plastered across his face.


"I think we should find you a new bf," Sam remarked with an raised eyebrow. "What say?"

In few seconds Misha and Sam racked up a hundred of names.

"No" I was constantly blabbering at them even without hearing them.

"Abhi?" Misha said softly. But I had a startled face and I didn't even denied him.

In my head I did consider him for fraction of seconds to my dismay. And I also managed to fiddle with the pros and cons in that short amount of time.

Then suddenly reality sinked into my head. I had always found myself drawn to him. His demeanour always pulled me in but I couldn't bring myself to accept it. Abhi had a crush on Shivi and that was very very strong for what I gained from last year's stunt- his proposal. How am I even supposed to think about him that way? I mean am Shivi's best friend I don't get to do that.

You can't like someone who liked your best friend. That to me was cheating irrespective of the fact that Shivi liked him or not. She didn't! Or the fact that he now was totally over her. Also to be noticed I am still very much in love with Arsh who by God's fucking grace is a close friend of Abhi.

OMG, I felt like cheating on two of the closest to my heart. Reason enough to throw the doubts out of window.

The two burst out into a sea laughter loud enough to pull everyone's attention. I sensed myself going awkward again with people staring at our direction. Out of reflex I pulled my body further down the bench in order to hide. The two giggled again. Misha and Sam knew the reasons I counted to keep myself away from Abhi and they thought they were useless. I didn't.

"Tringggggggg" the bell rang for the recess. Honestly I felt a relief that now I could do away with these ladies' silly jokes.

"C'mon Zara to Shivi..." Misha said.

"You go, I'll join after."

Shivi was in a different class than ours. Shivi, Misha and I had been childhood friends. Growing up we were all in same class. But Shivi taking up different subject in ninth last year meant separation. We were dealing good with it though. Recess was solely our time but today I needed this time with someone else.

I ran my eyes around the classroom. People inside were mostly feeding themselves out of their lunch boxes by this time. Who weren't had already mugged it up during classes.

"There" I breathed as my gaze met Abhi's silhouette.

I paced towards him only to find his face towards me when I reached him.

"Where were you for three freaking weeks, huh?" I smacked him a little on his shoulder.


"Sorry," it looked like I seriously hurt him even with that feeble shove.

"Ugh, it's okay"

"Where were you but?"


"Seriously," I raised my eyes looking so sceptical. "Do you think I believe that?"

Truth is I had heard our class teacher talk about this to him today morning. He had me worried all these three weeks. From that moment I was waiting to have this talk with Abhi. I had gone curious about the whole topic. I mean why the hell had he skipped three weeks of school! What could be the possible reason!

"Zar!" He called me that often not regularly but out of habit when he was happy. And that word sent shiver down my spine.

"Abhi?" I said with the same intensity raising an eyebrow at him.

"In short. Actually I was hospitalised. Fell down the escalator. Bad shoe laces, I guess. Doctor won't let me move." He chirped. "Back pain and things. But am alright now."

"Ooo!" I frowned. "Sorry."


"I hit you too hard earlier." I said meekly feeling bad.

"It wasn't on purpose, or was it?"

Out of habit I hit him again. And he screamed, ohs and ahs like it was a comic scene.

We'd grown very close after his stunt last year. Due to same group of friends we always met on odd days. I always sensed we felt each others company comforting. It was evident. And eventually as two and two obviously makes four we also made a good pair of friends.

We laughed hard and to gradually hold our breaths sat down on the bench. He smirked a little. And I felt a grin form on my lips.



"What else the doctor say?"

"Nothing serious. Just No Running."

"Like forever!"

"Nahh, just for a while. For Recovery!" He splashed his singature smirk at me but I could tell he didn't feel like giving up something he was so good at. Not to forget he loved it.

"No Running..."

Running, that brought back memories. Many memories. In fact that was the very fact due to which the bond Abhi and I share is in existence today.


So peeps, did you like this update? This is the longest part of all but I had to introduce Arsh to you all and also a deep insight into Zara's character.

Well, Abhinav is all too well. Had only encountered a small accident.

Much, much love. Stay tuned I might update tomorrow.

Also, check out the addition to the cast. Tell me who you think they could've been.

Don't forget to vote, and comment if you like/love the story!

Love ♥

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