Chapter 33: The Monster With No Name

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It is much easier keeping a prisoner hostage when you can see them.

She wondered if he would have done the same for her.


Music, though. Music she can think of. Music is beautiful. Music is never irrelevant, music is perfect. Perfection is very difficult to find. But music is perfect, music is perfect.

I'm weak. And what's wrong with that?
Boy oh boy I love it when I fall for that.

He is my weakness.


What was?

Unusually high irrelevancy rate.

Sending. The collar is sending information to her. Her name is Tayanna.

Tayanna is perfect too. Tayanna made the collar. It runs from Tayanna. Controlled by Tayanna. Tayanna misses Sombra, Tayanna misses her brother. But Tayanna doesn't remember them anymore.

She wonders why she is crying. Tears fall down her cheeks, running in a steady stream. But she smiles, always smiling. People don't cry while smiling. But she keeps crying, and she keeps smiling. She can't wipe the tears away - she won't let go of him. She can't drop him; they want him in good condition.

I can't hurt him anymore


...What is irrelevant?

She can't remember.

She keeps walking. She wonders what they'll do to him. They will have waited with Overwatch. Waited for him to be with them before they do it front of them, make them watch it happen to each other. They have destroyed Talon for too long, and they want revenge.

They might go easier on him.

The tears continue to fall down her face. This is unexpected, and they interfere with her vision. But she does not wipe them away. She wonders why they fall - she feels nothing. No sadness, no remorse, no fear. And yet she cries, and she cries. The act of someone who lost, someone who failed. And yet she has nothing to lose, has lost nothing.

She does not know the name of the man she carries to the room awaiting her.

And she wonders why she cries.

I broke my promise. That's why I'm crying.


I hurt him. That's why I'm crying.


I'm letting them kill him! That's why I'm crying!



What is irrelevant?

She can't remember.

She looks down at him - peaceful and calm. She is peaceful and calm as well. A calm that she has never known. She has one mission, one focus, and will always have one. Soon he will be peaceful - peaceful forever.

Don't let him die


Please don't kill him




What is irrelevant?

She doesn't know.

She doesn't remember.

And she walks into that big open room, and she recognizes nobody.

She doesn't remember them.

"Ah, here she is. And you've brought a guest!"

She doesn't know who the woman is. A new mission spears into her head.

Put him on the ground. Kneeling, preferably. He is waking from unconsciousness.

"Isabell, what are you doing?"

"Oh God - Lena, her neck--"

She carefully lays him down. But she does not make him kneel.


She does not make him kneel. The mission says 'preferably'. This is not defiance. Not defiance not defiance not defiance. Obedience.

"You bitches! How dare you! She is our friend--"

And now her mouth is moving. She barely hears the words she says. They are irrelevant. "She's sorry."

"Stop using her face! Stop smiling! That's her smile, that's her face--"

"Oh God, she's crying..."

"Let her go! Can't you see what its doing to her? She's crying! She's dying in there!"

Please let them go


I said let them go!



She can't remember.

Who are the people in front of her?

She can't remember.

Come and stand by my side; watch them with no emotion on your face.

Who is she?

That doesn't matter.

It is irrelevant.

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