BONUS: Late realization

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authors note:

So I was going to post this after the epilogue... but I figured I should leave you with something nice to think about over the weekend instead of the *spoiler alert* sad, heartbreaking epilogue. This flashback happens the same night Armaan realizes his feelings & he goes to Riddhima' house after his chat with Angad.

Happy Veterans Day & enjoy the weekend everyone <3



When I walk into Riddhima's house through the front doors using the set of keys her mother gave me, I find the lights in the kitchen on. "Aunty, I thought you'd be asleep by now." I greeted her, walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey Armaan, yeah. I would be but Riddhima isn't feeling well so just making her green tea." I notice the water boiling on the stove, confirming her words.

"What happened to her?" I asked, growing concerned.

Padma Aunty looked up as she switched off the stove, "Hmm? Oh, stomach ache."

As she poured it into a cup, I questioned, "What street food did she eat now?" Riddhima's immune system was so down, one would think she was born in a foreign country and not in India. Even a small bite of street food, and she'll be in bed.

Her lips curled up, amused. "Don't worry about it, Armaan."

"But she could have food poisoning or something!"

She dips the tea bag in. "Armaan, don't you think I'd know? I was a nurse, remember?" She reminds me calmly as she holds out the mug, "Give this to her and don't bother her tonight, okay?"

"Okay." I answer taking the mug but her lack of concern concerns me. The weather is changing outside. And if Riddhima had street food...

"Go!" She instructs, moving on to clear the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah." I mutter and make my way up the stairs. Gently opening the door to her room, I find her curled up in a ball on the floor. My brows knit together. Why is she on the floor? Then, the light lit up in my head. Green tea. Stomach ache.

Why couldn't Padma Aunty just say cramps?

I walk over to her and squat down on my knees before calling out to her softly, "Hey." She opens her eyes through a grimace and her eyes travel to the mug in my hand. I ask, "Sit up?" to check if she wants to drink it now or in some time. She shakes her head, and its probably for the better. It must still be hot, judging by the steam.

I leave it on the side table and sit next to her quietly, resting my back against the foot of the bed. I wonder, is she not cold? She's laying on the floor. I'm just sitting, but I can still feel bite of the cold tiles seep through my track pants. I hold back my questions, knowing if I asked her to move, she would only get irritated.

So, a few minutes later, I reach for her hand. She had been constantly frowning. Her forehead crinkled now and again, and I assumed that's when she felt the pain. "Hmm." She answered, but made no attempt to move or even open her eyes. My sympathies go out to all the females out there. Having to deal with this monthly? Yeah, no. I give her a quick five-second warning, "I'm going to pick you up. Don't punch me, kay?"

You might think she isn't capable of being that violent, but trust me. She is very much capable of punching the shit out of me. 

"Don't drop me then." She mumbled back. I had the approval I needed, and so I got up. Then, I slipped one arm between her bent knees and other around her back. It would be easier to maneuver her if she were on her back. I tried not to disturb her much from the curled up position she was in, but that wasn't much possible. I barely held her in my arms for a second since the bed was right there. Gently, I laid her there and as my hands left her, she curled up again.

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