Its Now or Never

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Connors pov
I was just about to get off work soon. It had been a great day at work. I got to work with Dr Sarah Reese. She is an amazing doctor and all around person. The whole day I couldn't get her off my mind. You see I've had this huge crush on her since the day she started working here. I try to hide it but I couldn't take it anymore. I was finally going to get the courage to ask her out after shift for a date out to dinner. I really hope she says yes. I had just rounded the corner down the hall to the elevator when I saw Sarah. It was now or never. "Hey Sarah wait up." I ask as I catch up to her. "yes doctor Rhodes" she says. "Sarah how many time have I told you to call me connor." I say "alright connor it is. What can I do for you." She says. "Come have dinner with me " I ask. "like a date" she asks "it doesn't have to be but it can be of you want." I say with a flirty voice. "Sure I'd love to go out with with you on a date." She says with a smile. "great I'm off work in 15 minutes. When are you off?" I ask her "I'm off now I was headed to change out. I can wait for you in the lounge." She says. "yeah that works I promise I won't be long. If I'm late I owe you two dinners" I say "well then take your time and feel free to be a little late." She says with a flirty voice. "duly noted" I say. She smiles at me  "I'll meet you in the lounge see you soon." I say as I head off to the cardiology floor.
Sarah's pov
Connor Rhodes had just asked me out. I was so excited.  I can't believe he likes me. I secretly like him too. I was so giddy I had a huge smile on my face. I went to the lounge to change out and wait for connor. "Hey mags" I say as I walk in. "Hey to you too. What's with the ginormous smile?" She asks. "Take a guess" I say "hum you got the weekend off" she say. "I wish but no. Guess again." I say. I see Maggie trying to think of what it could be.  "I give up what is it" she asks. "well a certain someone asked me out on a date." I say. "He finally asked you? Thats great." She practically screams. "Hey quite down. I don't want the whole ED knowing he asked me out." I say. "when's the date? Where's he taking you?" She asks excitedly. "tonight he's finishing up work and meeting me in here I don't know where we are going. Connor didn't tell me." I say. "well I want all the details in the morning promise" she says. "promise" I say as she walks out the door. I finish changing out and decided to curl up on the couch. I was feeling so tired. I figured a quick nap wouldn't hurt.

Connors pov
I just got off shift. It was a little later than I told Sarah. I hope she didn't mind. I walk into the lounge and I see Sarah sleeping curled up on the couch. She looked so peaceful. I almost felt bad waking her up. She looked like she was exhausted early when I asked her out. I kneel down next to her. "Hey Sarah sweetheart. Wake up. I'm finally finished work. We can now go on the date." I say as I gently wake her. "Huh what. What time is it" she says tiredly "7:30 you fell asleep" I say "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was just so tired. I hope you weren't waiting for me to wake up." She says with a worried voice. "No, It's okay you're fine. I just finished work. Sorry it was longer than I said. We can always reschedule the date if you want." I say to her  " No, no I wanna still go out tonight. Just give me a minute to look good again." She says getting up from the couch.  "You look beautiful now." I say "Yeah sure if you say so" she says. " I do. You look amazing." I say with a smile. "Well then thanks." She smiles back at me.  "Let me quickly change and we can head out. You in the mood for anything in particular" I ask "go change. And I'm good with anything. You choose." She says as I change into my non work clothes. "How about we go to that restaurant at the end of Navy Pier." I ask her "yeah that sounds really good." She says. As we were walking to my car she brushed her hand up against mine more than once. I took this as a good sign and took her hand in mine. She then leaned in and rested her head on my shoulders as we finished the far walk to my car.

AN: hey guys hope you enjoyed this story. I will do another update this week sometime as I was able to write two stories. If you want me to write something  let me know. As always feel free to vote and comment.

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