She was attacked

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Connor's pov

"Have you seen connor" Maggie asks April "nope" she says "nat have you seen connor" Mag's asks " no I haven't what do you need him for. Anything I can do to help." Nat asks "thanks but no there a family emergency for him." she says turning to Ethan. "You seen connor" she ask Ethan "no he's was in surgery two hours ago. Not sure if he's still there" He says as I was at the football ball. "Hey Maggie s looking for you" April says "thanks you're the 4th person to tell me that in less than 10 mins." I say "Hey mags heard you were looking for me. What's up" I ask. "Come lets go talk in the lounge" she says "okay what's wrong" I ask. "You're gonna wanna sit for this" she tells me. "Mag's you're scaring me what's going on." I ask franticly. "I'm sorry it's Sarah. Sarah was on her way to work. she was walking to the bus stop and someone attacked her. They brought her to Riverside memorial." Maggie says "Riverside why wasn't she taken to med. She should have been brought here so I can look after her better. What was there reason for Riverside?" I say "memorial was closer and closer is what she needed." she says "how bad is her condition" I ask franticly "all they said was she's in steady condition what else that means we don't know" she says to me. "I can't stay here I need to be with her. I have to go tell Goodwin I'm sorry but I can't be here." I say. "Go she already figured you wouldn't stay here." She says "thanks mags you're the best" I say rushing out to my car. "Hi my fiancé was brought in here. She was attacked." I say as I run up to the front desk. "We will be right with you." The lady says "I need to see her now. Where is she. Her name is Sarah Reese. Where is she" I say impatiently. "Sir you need to calm down." She says "where is she" I yell "security please" she says. "get off me" I say as security grabs me by the arms. "I need to see my fiancé. I will calm down if you tell me where she is." I say they finally let me go. "your fiancé was in surgery. They had to reset the bone in her arm. She should be out now. Let me look. Yep she is I'm room 4 right down there." She says pointing me in the direction to go. I thank her and rush down the hall to the room.
Sarahs pov
I was just starting to wake up from surgery. I feel horrible. I feel like it was all my fault I got attacked. I should have been more aware of my surroundings. I tried to curl up in a ball but I was in so much pain all I could do was cry. I want connor so badly I dreamt he was here. I see him standing at my bed side "Connor is that you" I say as I'm crying "Sarah baby. I'm Here it's okay now I'm here " he says as he comes up to me giving me a hug.. "you're really here. I was so scared." I say crying. "Hey now you are safe." He says as he holds me tight. There was a knock on the door. I look up to see detective Lindsay and Halstead. "May we come in. We came to ask you a few questions about the attack." Lindsay says. "I guess so." I say. "do you mind giving us space." Erin Lindsay says as she gives connor a look of please leave. "I'm staying I don't care what you want" Connor says back at her. " alright fine. Do you remember anything about the man that attacked you?" She asks. "umm he ummm I umm " I stutter. " hey it's okay take your time" she says. " it's okay you're safe I'm right her I'm not going anywhere" connor says to me as he takes my hand." he looked familiar. I just can't place where I've seen him." I say shaking. " Can you describe him" Halstead says. "um he he was..." I try and say. "hey I told you it's okay you are safe. Take your time." Connor says as he rubs my arm that's not in the cast. "He was tall black hair he had a scar on the left side of his face. He was medium build." I say. "that's good we will start with that if there is anything else you remember. Please let me know just call me anytime. Get some rest" Erin says. "Will do" I say I start to get up but connor stops me. "hey what are you doing" he asks me "I need to use the bathroom" I say "let me help you" he says. I'm fine I can walk." I say "don't care I'm still helping" he says as he helps me to the bathroom. Once done he helps me back in bed. "You had me so scared. I'm glad you are safe." He says. "How we felling" the doctor asks as he walks in. "I wanna get out of here. When can I go home." I ask "Not for a few days." He says as he leaves "I don't like it here I wanna leave" I say scared. "it's okay would you rather be at med would you feel safer there." Connor says. "yes please." She begs trying to sit up. "Let me talk to the doctor to find out if we can. Until then, rest." He says. "I don't need rest" I say "yes you do please rest I'll be right back." He says as he kisses me.
Connors pov
"hey doc" I say catching him outside Sarah's room. "yes what can I do for you" he asks "I know she needs to be in a hospital for a few days. I get that. But she's not comfortable here. So I was wondering if it would be okay if we transfer her to Chicago Med. I will personally look after her recovery." I say. "yes we can do that I'll get the transfer paperwork stated. She can leave later today until then she needs rest." He says to me. "Thank you she will be so happy" I say as I turn back to enter Sarah's room. " what did he say?" she asks me. "he's cleared you for a transfer. He's getting the paperwork together now but in the mean time he wants you to rest as do I." I say walking over to her bed. "only if you hold me while I rest" she says " Deal scoot over" I say as I lay next to her. "Rest ill wake you when we are ready to leave." I say as I kiss the top of her head.

AN: This story idea was given by @Katie-MD. I hope you like it. I will try and update next week sometime. As always feel free to vote and comment.      

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