Connor's Party

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Sarah's pov
"Maggie I need your help please Connor invited me over for a party with some people from the ER. I know you're going. So can you help me get ready. I need help picking out an outfit." I say over the phone. "Yeah sure sweetheart I'll be right over. Do you mind if I bring Nat and April?" She asks "no not at all." I say "great then we'll see you soon." She says to me. "thanks" I say then hang up. I pace around my room. I'm so nervous. I have a huge crush on connor. I kinda think he likes me too. It seems like it takes forever for the girls to get here. So I decided to try and find an outfit. My room is torn apart with clothes everywhere when my doorbell rings. "hey guy thanks for coming. I need major help picking out an outfit." I say franticly. "it's just a simple party what's with you." April asks "no, not just a simple party. It's a party thrown by Rhodes, Dr Connor Rhodes. Dreamy Rhodes." I say. "I thought you didn't have a thing for him" Nat says. "no that was Dr Collin from neurology. Girl you gotta keep up" Maggie laughs. "Hey I'm up most nights with Owen. I get very little sleep. So retaining info like that slips" Nat says I just laugh "it's fine Nat don't worry." I say. "Wow what happened to your room" Maggie says "yeah this is what happens when I try to find an outfit." I say "so I was thinking dark skinny jeans" April says. "yeah with the shirt that had the cutout in the back and the gathering scoop in the front. Nat says "you sure guys" I ask worried. "yes trust us. You'll look hot." Maggie says. "you'll make Connor happy

Connors pov
I was setting up for the party. I had invited most of the ER staff but all I cared about was seeing sarah. She doesn't know it but I have a huge crush on her. I was so excited she was coming. I was also very nervous. I heard the doorbell ring thinking it was sarah but it was just Will. He and I started getting along about a year ago. It's nice to have another guy friend to hang with from work. " hey man come in" I say to him. "What's wrong you look a bit nervous?" He says to me. "is it really that bad." I say. "yeah man it is. I take it sarah's coming." Will says. "you guessed right. Man I'm so nervous. You'd think I'd be marrying her by the way I'm so nervous." I say. "it's okay you'll be fine. I promise. Plus a little birdie told me she likes you." He says to me. "great now I'm even more nervous." I say. "just act yourself and you'll be fine. Come let's finish setting up." He says to me. About 30 mins later Sarah and the girls show up." Hey Sarah welcome guys come on in make yourselves at home." I say with a smile. Trying not to stare at how beautiful Sarah looks. My heart is racing so fast just seeing her. Drinks are on the deck out back and the food will be ready soon. I say. "thanks for inviting us connor this is great." Sarah says. "you're welcome. Excuse me I have to check on will who's manning the grill." I say as I head off outside.

Sarah's pov
I see connor loading up the plate full of food from the grill. I just can't help but stair at him. I'm caught off guard when he walks up to me. "You look a little dazed. What's up?" He asks as he places the food down on the counter. "Nothing I'm good. Need help with anything? I say nervously. "Yeah can you get the buns out of the bags. They are over there next to the fridge." he says to me. "sure no problem." I say as I grab them. "You can places them on this plate" he says to me as he hands me the plate. "Hey you remembered" I say as I pull out the buns. "yeah of course I remembered you can't eat gluten so I got you gluten free buns. I didn't know what ones you like so I bought a few." He says with a smile. "Awe thanks but you didn't have to do that. I could have not had a bun." I say smiling back. "It's no problem I wanted to. " He says "Thanks you're the best." I say trying not to blush. "Foods up everyone" he says. So I fill my plate with food and head over to a cushioned bench waiting for the girls to join me. "Hey this seat taken." I hear someone say. I look up to see connor standing in front of me. "um no not at all" I say with a smile. "How's the food?" He asks as he sits down. " Amazing. Everything is perfect." I say while leaning back on one hand. "That's good glad you like it" he says as he places his hand near to mine. Ever so slightly as we chat and eat I notice his hand getting closer and closer to mine. "So there's this thing that the ER surgeons go to on Wednesday nights. Dinner and dancing. Was wondering if you'd like to join me." He asks nervously "I'd love to go dancing sounds fun" I say as he finally places his hand over mine. "Hey sorry to but in but I need to grab connor for a minute" will says. "can't this wait man" connor says annoyed. "no man it can't April's brother is causing trouble" he says. "I'll be right back sorry. He says as he let's his fingers slide through mine. "don't be gone too long I might get lonely" I say with a flirty voice. "guys connor just asked me to dinner and dancing with the ER surgeons this week." I say all excited to the girls. "that's so great" April says. "I'm so happy" I say. "was that a hand I saw him holding." Maggie asks. "It could have been." I say with the biggest smile. The party lasted pretty late it was 1 am by the time people were leaving. I spent most of the party talking and flirting with connor. It was a good thing we didn't have to work tomorrow. I don't know if I could get up for shift I'm so tired. "I can barely keep my eyes open" I say to Maggie "yeah it is pretty late we should head home" she says to me. "hey connor thanks for inviting us this was a great party." I say to him. "welcome glad you had fun" he says to me as he leads us to the door. I'm about to walk out when I get stopped. " wait Reese you forgot something " connor says to me. "what did I forget." I say with a bit of a tired flirty voice "this" he says as his lips crash into mine. "umm I'm glad I forgot that I should forget it more often." I say as I kiss him back. "it's late I better get going" I say "hey wanna do dinner tomorrow?" he asks me "sure sounds great just text me in the am all the details" I say as I quickly kiss him one last time I try and pull away but he's got his arms wrapped around me."I got to go otherwise the girls will leave without me. I say laughing and trying to get loose of his grip. "fine go I'll see you tomorrow" he says as he kisses me one last time and I head out the door.

AN: hey guys hope you enjoyed this story. i will try and do another update next weekend. As always feel free to vote and comment.  

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