Have you seen Sarah?

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Sarah's pov

I've had a few crazy days at work. It was non stop all the time. Ididn't even have time to get a proper lunch the last few days. Me feet ache somuch and my body feels like it got hit by a bus. I decided to go to bed earlyso I could try and feel better in the morning. I texted connor saying Ilove you and have a good night. He was in surgery till midnight so he was goingto stay at his place so he won't wake me up getting home. I was okay with thatbecause I really needed sleep. So after a getting ready I crawled in bed andfell asleep fast.

Connor pov
I was getting ready in the morning I texted Sarah thismorning saying "I love you. Hope you slept well. Missed you lastnight. I'll see you at work." But I never got an answer back from her. Ijust figured she was still asleep for a little bit longer. I finished gettingready and was at the hospital in less then 15 mins. Since I got there a bitearly I decided to grab a cup of coffee. I waited for Sarah outside the buildingbut she never showed. So I texted her again. "everything okay. Where areyou?" Still nothing. It was getting close to shift for us. So I walkedback in the building thinking I didn't see her come in. " Hey Maggie haveyou seen Sarah." I ask " no I haven't seen her since yesterday. Whywhats up." She asks. "her shift started 5 minutes ago and she's nothere." I say. "maybe she's just running late." She says"yeah maybe. Um let me know when she gets here please" I say"will do" she says "thanks I gotta run." I say as I takeoff to my first patient of the day. I was in and out of my first patient within less than 2 hours. It was just a kid with a broken arm. I lookaround to try and find Sarah but I don't see her anywhere. I seeMaggie up at the football field. "Hey Sarah in yet" I ask "nonot yet this is not like her to be this late." She says to me. "Iagree I'm gonna call her." I say. I pick up my phone and dial her number.It goes straight to voicemail. "Hey babe where are you shift stated about2 hours ago. Please call me back." I say as I leave the message. I go offto take another patient that last for an hour. A kid with a bad chest cold camein. After I was done with him I went in search for Sarah. "Nat have youseen Sarah?" I ask her. "nope sorry" she says. So I try and callagain but it goes to voicemail. "oh April have you seen Sarah."I ask rushing up to her. "Nope sorry" she tells me I get a franticworried look on my face. "Everything okay" she asks me. "um noSarah hasn't shown up for work and she won't answer my texts or phone calls.I'm really worried." I say. "Well if it helps any she looked whippedout last night. Like she was coming down with something." She says."thanks yeah just to be on the safe side I'm gonna call an ambulance overto her place. And meet it there I have a bad feeling." I say. Alright I'lltell Goodwin what's up" she says "thanks." I say rushing to mycar to head to her place once driving I pull out my phone. "911 what'syour emergency?" The dispatcher says. "my girlfriend I believe she'ssick. I have a bad feeling."I say. "alright sir we will send anambulance over. What's the location." The dispatcher asks. "802 NorthLakeshore Dr apartment 408." I say. "Ambulance is on its way"they say to me. I quickly hang up and focus on driving. I'm there inrecord time. I've even beat the ambulance. I rush up the stairs and open thedoor. "Sarah, Sarah you in here. "Sarah where are you?" I sayfrantically searching for her. I check her bedroom and find her laying in bed.She looks so pale and sick. "Oh gosh. Sarah sweetheart. Please wakeup." I hear the paramedics rushing in. "Fire department Someone callfor an ambulance." I hear a woman say. I recognize the voice. "Dawsonwe're in the back bedroom. You gotta help her. Please" I yell out as theenter the room. "Stand back let us do our work." they say. "Shelooks sick" I say. "when is the last time you saw her. Dawson asks."briefly yesterday at work. We were so busy." I say. "She seems dehydrated.It's what caused her to pass out. Will get some fluids in her and bring her tomed. You're welcome to ride with us." Dawson says. "Yes thankyou." I say as Brett started the IV fluids. "Alright let's get her inthe ambo." Dawson says. We take her downstairs to the ambulance and I climbin. I couldn't help but notice how frail looking Sara is. It scares me thatthis is happening to her. Especially with her past. When she gets sickit's she usually lands in the hospital for a few days. Even. Simple cold canLand her a hospital stay. "4 minutes out." Brett says from thedriver's seat. I hear Sarah start to moan. "Mmmh where am I."Sarah says softly. "you're in the back of ambulance on the way to thehospital. You passed out and are dehydrated." Dawson says. "connor,connor." Sarah says in a scared voice. "Yeah, yeah sweetheart I'mright here." I say taking her hand in mine. "I'm sorry" shesays. "Hey, hey there's nothing to be sorry about. you rest." I sayas I lean over and kiss her forehead. "Were here" dawson says asshe opens the back doors to the ambo. I help them get Sarah out and into the hospital."What do we got" I hear Maggie say. "she's dehydrated." Brett says. They wheelsarah off to a treatment room, set her up with more fluids and start running tests.I follow right behind them not wanting to leave her side. "Will you stay withme." she asks "I'd stay with you always and forever." I say as I kiss herforehead.

AN: hope you all enjoyed this story. I will try and update again next weekend. As Always feel free to vote and comment. 

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