Suddenly It's Clear To Me

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I had to blink twice because I couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of me. I hadn’t seen him in such a long time. It had been at least six months since the last time I had seen him. Jason was a very tall guy standing tall at 6’6 with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He had buzzed his head for when he enlisted in the navy. Jason always looked good, but he looked exceptional with his buzzed new haircut and his navy uniform. I had a thing for navy men, but what girl didn’t! To clarify, Jason and I dated for about a year and a half and broke up before he enlisted in the navy. He was that guy that I had known my whole life. He had seen me through my ups and my downs and accepted me for the person I was today. He was also my best friend Gab’s brother so we grew up together. I could still remember our last conversation like it was yesterday. I yelled at him for leaving me and leaving us. He wanted us to continue dating long distance, but I don’t believe in long distance relationships. Being part of the navy was something Jason had felt like he had to do. Since we were kids, he would talk about defending our country and used to tell me that when he was older he would help serve our country. Now that I look back on it, I couldn’t blame him for leaving, it’s something that he had wanted. He tried to make it work, but I wouldn’t have it. What he did took courage and I was disappointed in myself for not realizing that before.

 I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Jason smiled with his big beautiful white teeth smile and said “Well don’t just stand there, come and give me a hug!” I smirked at him and walked over slowly and opened up my arms to hug him. He put his arms around me, I could feel his muscles clench around me. As I pressed up against him I felt his rock hard abs along cheek. He was a giant, I felt protected in his arms. I quickly let go of him awkwardly and put my hair around my ear. He offered me the flowers, “Here, these are for you.”

They were absolutely beautiful, “Lillies, my favorite, you remembered.”

“Amanda, I’ve known you you’re whole life, if I didn’t know your favorite flowers there would be something wrong with me. Plus, you would always make me buy you lilies after our fights to make up.”

I nodded, “It’s good to see you.”

Kelly and Steph grabbed each other as they passed Jason and myself. They looked at each other, both with the looks of “what’s he doing here?” They shrugged at each other.

“Oh my God Jason! Welcome Home!” Kelly said as she went to go give him a hug! She looked at me when she went to go hug him and mouthed “What’s he doing here?”

“I don’t know” I mouthed back to her.

“We didn’t know you were coming back home!”

“Oh, I’m not staying long.” Jason replied, “Just here for a week.

“Just a week eh…” Steph said as she looked at me. I had a puzzled look on my face as I looked at Steph.

“Where’s your sister?” Kelly asked.

“Ah, she’s throwing a surprise BBQ for you guys, but don’t tell her I told you, it was supposed to be a surprise.” He said as he went for Steph’s bag. “I’ve got it.”

He picked up Steph’s bag and thanked him. Steph walked out of the airport with Kelly leaving a gap between them and Jason and I. I was feeling a mix of emotions. I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel. Here’s my ex boyfriend, other than the fact that he was a naval officer and was hardly here, he was perfect. Our relationship together just worked. It was easy conversation, usually. I was just making it really awkward today because I was thinking about Niall at the same time. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just surprised to see you.”

“I hope it’s a good surprise.”

“Definitely a good surprise.” I said as I looked at my phone. I couldn’t stop thinking about Niall. It was probably that reverse psychology I had learnt about. The more unattainable something is, the more you desire it. I scrolled through the twitter feeds. There were more pictures of Evelyn and Niall. I nodded, they were happy. I should be too.

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