"You're right on point," Lucy gave one of the sandwiches to Kyubey, whose eyes sparkled at the sight of food. "She's always been like that since she was little. Always thinking of the well-being of others."

"I think Lucy-sama is also much like that," Yukino remarked.

Lucy laughed, a hint of coldness in her eyes. "I'm nothing like that," she gave her other sandwich to Kyubey who nuzzled itself against her in thanks to it. She patted its head before continuing to speak. "I'm a rather cold-hearted person and selfish person by nature."

As Yukino was about to object to that statement, a voice beamed loudly from behind the two. Lucy turned around and Kyubey hissed at the sight of the person. Yukino noticed the other guildmates calling for her and excused herself with a smile. Lucy waved a good-bye to her before returning her attention to the approaching figure.

"Hey, blondie!" Sting called out.

"What is it, 'blondie'?" Lucy answered with a dark expression as a tick-mark appeared.

"Let's go on a mission!" he suggested, his eyes sparkling with eagerness. "It'd be nice to have another addition to our team!"

"And why should I?" Lucy responded.

"What's with that uninterested face?" Sting peered at her. "You should be glad that I'm allowing you to join us."

"Blondie," Lucy looked at him. "Do you have a problem with me refusing?"

Sting backed up in fear of the murderous aura that was radiating from her. "Are you irked that much by me calling you 'blondie'?"

"What does it look like?" she looked at him as if he was filth.

"You can ignore Sting," Rogue walked up to her. "We just wanted you to join us since it seemed lonely to go on missions by yourself."

Lucy stared at his crimson red orbs, causing him to look away with a flushed face.

"I-It's okay if y-you don't want to join us," Rogue rubbed the back of his neck. "It's understandable."

That wasn't the reason why she looked at him. It was because it was the first time since she joined the guild that he had taken the initiative to talk to her. She had thought that he disliked her but it seemed that that wasn't the case. Rather, he was just a guy that had trouble expressing his thoughts like Sting.

"I decline," Lucy stood up.

"What?! Why?!" Sting yelled, confused.

"Join us, Lucy-san!" Lector walked up to her and tugged on her cape with a sorrowful face. "It'll be fun!

"Fro wants you to join us, too~," Frosch came up to her, looking at her with teary eyes. "Is it because of Sting?"

"What's that supposed to mean, Frosch?!" he yelled.

Lucy laughed and shook her head. "Let me finish saying," she said. "I refuse to join your team but I'll happily accompany you guys on your missions."

"Isn't that basically the same thing?" Lector said.

Lucy's eyes hardened as she focused on a blank spot on the ground. "There's a difference," she said. "Teams require an absolute bond of trust and I don't have the slightest intention of dedicating myself to something that could easily be broken."

Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosch stared at her. She was reminded of the times at Fairy Tail in which she had been part of Team Natsu. For so many months and years, they had gone on so many adventures only to be easily replaced by someone who had just returned from the so-called "dead". Teams were useless to her and were something that tied friends and companions together in name only.

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