Fears Knocking At Your Door

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Bill yelled frantically. He shot out of bed.


Bill started to cry.

Dipper ran into the 2nd-floor bathroom. Blood was dripping down Bill's legs. He was holding his stomach crying.

"Pine tree this isn't normal is it?" He cried.

"How did this happen?! What did YOU do?"

"Pine tree I don't know." He cried, still holding his stomach. "Help me! Call for help."

"Why did I marry someone as weak as YOU? All powerful demon my ass."

"Pine tree." Bill whisper.

Bill sat up on his bed, shaking with fresh tears.

"Pine tree!" He sobbed. "Mason!"

You could hear thumping from the 1st floor. Dipper ran up 2 flights of stairs and burst into their bedroom.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay? Is the baby okay? What hurts?"

Bill found this ridiculous. Is a dream demon having nightmares?

"Its okay, your okay and so is the baby." Dipper hushed. He rubbed Bill's back.

"Yeah," Bill whispered. He took a deep breath. "I'm fine."

"I'll get in bed with you. It's late anyway, let me get in PJs and brush my teeth."


Bill tucked himself back into bed.

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