Chapter 1

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The New York City sun shone brightly, beating down on anyone caught in its path. The air felt heavy and thick from the humidity, but at least the blue sky was empty of clouds. People milled about residential streets to find shelter from the heat, though it wasn't easy.

But for Alexandra "Lexi" Cole, these weather conditions didn't bother her; they were more than familiar to her. She'd lived in San Diego all her life, where hot weather dominated the city. She didn't break much of a sweat as she let the sun's rays kiss her fair skin. It was hot, but it wasn't anything she wasn't already used to. She grinned as she grabbed another box before returning indoors. She stepped into the elevator, which already had another girl inside.

"Aren't you hot?"

Lexi shrugged. "Not really. I've seen worse."

The girl let out a dry laugh. "I wish I could say the same."

"It'll go away soon," Lexi said as the doors opened to her floor. She nodded goodbye before heading to her dorm— her new home.

Two days ago, Lexi had arrived at New York University with her parents in tow. They had insisted on being there to help her move in, and she was grateful for their help. They may have spent more time asking if she wanted to back out of university, but Lexi brushed off their concerns. It wasn't worth fighting over in her eyes. Besides, she needed help moving into the place she was now going to call home.

After finding her dorm, Lexi set the box down at her feet to open the door. She stepped inside her small two-bedroom dorm to see her mother in the communal kitchen, putting her dishes away in the large bottom cupboard. A massive black canvas bag of pots, pans, and lids sat on a table in a heap. Lexi studied the tiny kitchen, taking note of where the fridge, stove, sink, and table were. It was rather drab in all white with the light pine table and chairs, but it was remarkably clean.

She suddenly remembered the large box in her hands. It wasn't too heavy, but she was about to lose her grip on it. So, she hustled to her bedroom to drop it off. Her father was still inside, standing in the middle of everything with a serious look on his face.


Her father jumped before realizing who had spoken. He chuckled a little as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"I know, it's okay. What's in that box?"

Lexi read the black scribble she had written on it just weeks ago. "Clothes. I think there's one more box for shoes and bags. I wasn't going to put everything away— I just don't wanna forget anything."

"I understand," her father said. "Just keep grabbing boxes and throw 'em in here. I'm done getting your shelving up, so I'll go look for your mother."

"She's in the kitchen putting things away."

"Oh. Thanks for letting me know, Lexi."

With that, Lexi exited her room, and then her dorm for her parents' silver rental SUV. As she was looking for that box, an eager young woman approached her.

"Hi, are you moving into the girls-only dormitory?"

"I am," Lexi revealed. "My parents are just in my dorm, helping. Are you the RA?"

"Well...I might not be your RA, but I am one. I'm the RA of the tenth floor."

"Oh, so you are my RA. That's the floor I'm on."

The RA blinked hard. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I'm Erin. You are?"

"Alexandra Cole, but please call me Lexi."

Lexi's In A New CityWhere stories live. Discover now