"tao, why aren't you saying anything to sehun?" yixing asked.

"i don't know..." tao avoided my eye contact.

"come on...he's your friend." yixing pushed tao towards me and we bumped to each other. i raised a brow at tao and he just crossed his arms awkwardly.

"you know what, tao. you're still a dickhead to me but i forgive you." i smirked and chuckled. "i don't really regret beating you up the other day because you deserve it."

"you're still an asshole to me since day 1 but whatever. you're my bestfriend's boyfriend after all." tao rolled his eyes.

"why don't you get kris hyung, anyways? he's single. poor kris hyung." kai butted in.

"aish! what?!" kris blushed.

"i know you like tao, hyung~" kai smirked as tao smacked him at the back of his head causing kyungsoo to laugh instead of defending his love hate crush aka kai.


"let's go somewhere, shall we?" i smiled widely as i offered yixing my hand for him to hold. he took it and linked our fingers together. yixing never fails to make my heart flutter everytime, even though by now i would already be used to it. he's something else...so alluring.

"are you telling me we should go on a date?" yixing smiled back at me, showing his sweet deep dimples.

"it's always a date whenever im with you anyways." i said and he swayed our hands as we walk the streets together, hand in hand. i let him walk on the pavement so his height was the same as mine and i walked on the road. "you're suddenly so tall." i giggled.

"i am tall!" he laughed.

"no you're not, cutie. compared to me you're a bean." i said.

"it's just you who's taller than most humans," yixing teased. "and im not saying it's a bad thing...i love it."

"your height is cute too! don't grow, baby. you're already perfect." i complimented.

"im 26, i won't grow anymore, sehun." yixing laughed. "so where are we going?"

"you'll see." i winked at him.


"another huge mall? im not used to be at huge places like this...i always stay at home." he gasped as he glanced around the mall.

"you haven't been in here?" i asked, shocked. "dating suho was a waste of time then." i smirked.

when we walked inside the mall, it was crowded with people and there were too many shops to even look at...i lost count. yixing linked his arm with mine, staying beside me as we walked through the crowd of people. yixing looked uncomfortable because a bunch of guys always kept an eye on him with a smirk on their faces as they stare at yixing's butt. perverts! yixing tugged my shirt for signal and i quickly hissed and cursed at the guys checking out my boyfriend. they backed away when they saw my deadly glare and soon, leaving us alone.

"you're mine only." i huffed as i pulled yixing closer beside me, i saw him smiling widely after i said that.

"woah! that's a cute sheep!" yixing shrieked when we passed a shop filled with a bunch of fluffy stuffed animals. "kyeoooo!" yixing squealed. we went inside the shop and he was too excited to hold the sheep. i couldn't help but smile when i see him excited like a kid...i almost forgot he's older than me.

"do you want that one, babe?" i asked after his twenty minutes choosing session. he nodded happily and i kindly paid for it. he tried to stop me from paying his things but it doesn't stop me.

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