Chapter 62

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During my walk back to my room I realize how foolish I have been expecting Harry to be different than before. I should have known better. I should have known that this was too good to be true. Harry kissing me in front of Liam, Harry being nice and wanting "more", Harry telling me about his childhood. I should have known that as soon as his friends came along he would go right back to the Harry that up until two weeks ago, I despised.

"Hey! You coming tonight?" Zayn asks as I walk in the room. Tristan is sitting on is bed staring at him in the adoring way I wish Harry would stare at me.

"No, I am going to study" I tell her. It's nice to know that everyone was invited yet Harry didn't see it fit to invite me. Probably so he could hang out with Molly with any distractions.

"Oh come on! It will be fun. Harry will be there" He smiles and I force one back to him.

"Really, it's okay. I need to call my mom and catch up with her and plan my assignments for next week."

"Lameeee!" Zayn teases. "Suit yourself. I'll be out all night so if you need anything let me know." he says and hugs me goodbye.

I call my mother and tell her about my internship, of course she is beyond pleased by my amazing opportunity. I leave Harry out of the explanation but I do mention Ken, but I say he is Liam's soon to be stepfather which is true. She asks about Lauren and I but dodge her questions. After listening to her talk about her new co-worker whom she believes is having an affair with her boss, we get off the phone. My mind immediately goes back to Harry, as always. My life was much more simple before I met Harry, and now after.. it is complicated and stressful and I am either extremely happy or there is this burning in my chest when I think of him with Molly.

I will go insane if I just stay here and it's only six o'clock by the time I give up trying to study. Maybe I should go for a walk? I really need some more friends. I grab my phone and call Liam.

"Hey Louis!" his voice is friendly and soothes some of my anxiety over Harry and Molly.

"Hey Liam, are you busy?" I ask him.

"No, just watching the game. Why? is something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering if maybe I could come over and hang out.. or maybe if your mom doesn't mind maybe I could take her up on those baking lessons." I laugh.

"Yea of course you can come over. I know she would love that, I will let her know you're coming." he says.

"Okay, the next bus isn't for thirty minutes but I will be there as soon as I can." I tell him.

"Bus? Oh yea, I forgot you haven't found a car. I will come get you."

"No, really it's okay. I don't mind taking the bus, I don't want you to go out of your way."

"Louis, its less than ten miles. I'll leave now." he says and I finally agree.

I grab my phone and check it one last time. Of course he hasn't texted or called me. I hate the way I feel dependent on him, especially when I obviously can't depend on him. Liam comes to get me and I turn my phone off. If I leave it on, I will go crazy checking it every few minutes. I should just leave it here. I walk over and sit it in my top drawer before I walk out and lock my door. I sit down on the curb and wait for Liam to pick me up. Minutes later he pulls up and honks lightly, I jump off the curb from the surprise and we both laugh as I climb in the car.

"My mother is going insane in the kitchen right now so be prepared for a very detailed baking lesson." He laughs.

"Really? I love the details!" I joke.

after l.s versionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin