Band Aid (Brett Talbot)

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Band Aid- Pixie Lott

"When I met you I didn't really like you
First impression was you were somebody who'd
Walk right by when I waved at you and say 'Hi'" 

Brett Talbot. You remember the first time you met him, you saw him as the tall, cocky, lacrosse player from Devenford Prep. But not just any lacrosse player, he was the one taunting and picking on Liam, even though the new beta was just trying to apologise. You took a strong liking to the newest member of the pack, so when you saw this prep school kid talking down to him, you acted almost immediately.

"We're gonna break you in half out there, and it's gonna be All. Your. Fault."

You still aren't sure what came over you, it's not like you have any supernatural strength or intimidation factor. But hearing this asshole jock talk like that to someone, who you would consider to be like your little brother, you let all of your anger and frustration out. A right hook to the jaw. You must have had the element of surprise on your side, because he almost hit the ground.

"Touch him and your trip to the hospital will be All. My. Fault." You said mimicking the threatening tone he was using earlier. You grabbed a very shocked and appreciative Liam by the arm and dragged him away from the crowded scene.

"But they say
Bad beginnings make happy endings
Now that I know you I begin to understands things
Turn around a hundred and eighty degrees
I found my missing piece" 

That distaste didn't last long. After seeing his reaction to him and his sister being hunted, you started to change your original opinion of him. You could see the love Brett had for his sister, Lori, in the way that he stood in front of her to shield her from the oncoming arrows. You could see it in his eyes when he looked at her and how he consistently asked her how she was doing or if she was okay. You knew then and there that he wasn't as bad as Liam had made him out to be. After checking on him and his sister after the benefactor situation was dealt with, you understood why he always acted like the aggressive, tough guy with an alpha male personality. All he wanted to do was protect. Protect his family, his friends, his pack, and his home. He started to remind you of Scott in that way, although they had two very different ideas on how to handle those type of situations.

"When I get caught in the rain and it feels like
There is no one in the world who understands my
Complications that I'm facing on certain days
I talk it through with you" 

Somehow you became the unofficial liaison between Satomi's pack and Scott's. Although they would get no objections out of you, as much as you hated to admit it, you were definitely starting to develop feelings for the young, tall werewolf. It was nice having someone to talk to about all the crazy stuff that went down in Beacon Hills. Sure, you had the rest of the McCall pack, but there came times that you needed somebody else. And Brett was that somebody. You couldn't figure out what it was, but you were drawn to him, it was like he knew and understood everything that you were going through. Which he did to an extent, being a part of the supernatural world and all. He would always answer the phone when you called and would meet you in a moment's notice if you needed him. Like right now.

"No matter how I try to hide
You see straight through my disguise
You know how to fix me you are my therapy" 

You were sitting outside on the front steps of Beacon Hills High School, somehow it seems like most of your problems revolve around that school. You had been crying about something stupid, you saw your ex-boyfriend with another girl and it made your stomach churn. You knew you that he wasn't worth your tears, and you thought that you had completely moved on, but apparently nobody told your tear ducts that. You were so lost in thought that you had yet to notice Brett's arrival until you heard your name being called. When you looked up you saw Brett standing, correction, towering over you. As you did so the look on his face changed from happiness to confusion and concern, and then to anger, ready to confront whoever it was that made you this upset. You tried to smile and act like nothing was wrong, but Brett always knew when you were lying. Part of this is because of his werewolf senses, but you knew that he'd still be able to see right through your façade with them.

"There's something about you
That's like the sun
You warm up my heart
When I come undone" 

The day had been rainy and a bit gloomy all day, but the clouds had started to part, allowing the sun to shine through a few minutes ago. From the step where you had made yourself home, it looked like the heavens were shining down on the boy standing before you. You know that the change in weather was just a coincidence, but you couldn't help but smile at the irony of the situation. As soon as Brett got to you, the skies started to clear up and brighten up the day in much the same way Brett would brighten up your metaphorical day. A genuine smile started to form on the corner of your lips when you were thinking about this. The small action caught his attention and he wasn't sure what it was that made you smile, but he didn't care as long as you were happy.

"Isn't it funny how these things can turn around
Just when I thought I knew you
You proved me wrong
I used the hate the things you love
And love the things you hate
But now I like it" 

You wished that he didn't have to leave for the big match tonight, Beacon Hills at Devenford Prep, but he did drive you to your house before turning around and making his way back out to his school. While this may have been fairly usual, the next thing that happened was not.

"Hey, Y/N!" he called before you made it too far down your driveway. You turned around waiting for him to continue. "Can you do me a favor for tonight?" The question both surprised you and made you roll your eyes, but you both knew that you would do just about anything he asked you to, and vice versa.

"Sure, why not? Your wish is my command," you said with a slight bow and as much sarcasm as possible.

"I'm gonna hold you to that later, but for now, just wear this tonight," Brett told you while tossing a green sweatshirt in your direction. Although his intentions were well, he only realized how demanding he sounded when he saw your right eyebrow go up, shooting him your "mom look" as he refers to it. This boy, who was always cool and collected, started to get flustered and back track. "Um, I mean only if you want to. But I'd really like it if you did, but again, only if you want to."

"Your like my soulmate
And on those days
When I hurt
When I break
You are my band aid" 

Lydia arrived at your house as it came time to leave for the game, and you walked out the door wearing Brett's Devenford Prep Lacrosse Team sweatshirt, complete with his number and last name. Butterflies filled your stomach and the goofy smile that was plastered on your face seemed like it would be permanent. The sweatshirt was everything you wanted in casual comfort clothes: soft, too big, comfortably worn in, and Brett's. Of course you were going to wear it to the match tonight, although you were concerned about what your fellow classmates would say. But it felt like you were wearing one of his hugs and that would make any snide comment worth it.

As soon as you and the other girls made it into the stands, Brett saw you, his face lighting up instantly when he noticed what you were wearing. The game was close, but somehow Beacon Hills managed to pull out a win. You knew Brett would be disappointed and probably a little upset, so you made your way down the bleachers to meet him.

"You wore it."

"Looks like it."

"It looks good on you," Brett said with a smirk and then snaked his arm around your waist causing you to blush. "I'm sorry we lost, now you're wearing stuff from the losing team." The genuine look of shame on his face broke your heart a little. He was always there for you, making you feel better on the days you never thought you would, and now was your chance to return the favor.

"I'm not wearing the losing team's 'stuff,' I'm wearing yours. And you always win in my book. Besides, it gives me a really good reason to do this," you whispered softly and leaned over tenderly meeting your lips with his.

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