Day 85

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Day 85

March 26

I have a few things that I want to touch on today. One is that I'm going to be cleaning my place soon. Because it's getting so dusty and messy that I can hardly stand the sight of it. Also Dad's been not liking the mess either but he hasn't been able to help much. So I'm going to spend the majority of tomorrow cleaning.

Second thing I wanna say is that I'm going to be hanging out with Eloni a little bit more. He says that he really wants to spend more time with me and I kind of like this. But at the same time I'm really nervous that he'll think I'm a weirdo or something. We're going to start hanging out next week. I'll write more then.

Hopefully things go well.

Scruffle and I have been working with the merfolks. So far it seems that Ariel is the only one that's doing well. I think the others will do better if they were released into the wild. After all that's what they're most used to and they would prefer. You can't exactly keep something that's meant to be in open water in a small tank forever.

Like those whales from way back when. They weren't meant to be cooped up and neither are these merfolks. And I know that they'll feel a whole lot better if they're released.

Daiyu likes Ariel too.

I should mention Nalin. He's been doing better and helped with the mermaids too. Nalin seems very interested in them in ways that make me suspicious. It seems he knows more about them than humans should know. Like when he helped Ariel,he kept his hands in her line of sight and blinked slowly. That was a way we showed how each other that we weren't a threat to the other. There are several distinctions between different species and such. But I can't get into that right now.

I have a theory about why this is but it's childish. And I should probably get into other things. A third thing that's pretty well, nice. Ms Flufflebottom and I are going to be getting some new blankets. Also some pillows too.

I know that it's not huge news or anything but to me it matters a lot.

Especially since all mine are not warm enough. My favorites are getting pretty holey too. And I really just want some more to snuggle down with. It seems silly but I can't help myself.

One last thing I want to share before I have to go and get ready for bed. I have been contacted by the Seawitch. He says that Fiyora will be coming to the beach in three weeks. She was having some difficulties with aggressive...things. Each time I try to get any details on what the aggressive 'things' are, he changes the subject.

I'm afraid of what that means. Especially since there haven't been any sightings of dead swimmers or mermaids washing up on the beach. So I'm wondering what the things are. Sharks are wusses, they don't bug us on any occasion. They're afraid of us at times too.

Hopefully I can check Fiyora for any signs of anything. That's if I get to see her. After all it'll take some effort to get my ass down to the sea. I might get Daiyu to help me. She'll probably wonder what's up but I can make up some sort of excuse. Like marine watching or something like that. Hopefully she won't ask too many questions. I really ain't good at lieing to people that I care about.

And I really don't like to lie either.

Oh well. Write more later.


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