Chapter One:Visitors

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Braelee's p.o.v

I run past Axel and Oscar they follow me out of the prison and I pull out my machine gun and aim it through the fence as I see a group running towards the gate and axel says "can we trust them?" they both look at me I nodd as I open the gate so they can get in and the guy in a tan shirt scream "let us in we've got women and children".

I look at Oscar "let em in" he opens the gate as I pull up my gun so does axel and when they get inside I clear out the zombie's that followed them and the guy that screamed at me says "i'm rick grimes this is my family" I don't holster my weapon and I say "it's just precaution" he nodds and cracks a tiny smile and he asks "you live here?".

I look at Oscar and he says "yes we all do brae cleared out the cell block with her then group but they didn't want to stay in a cell block with inmates so she's the only one that stayed" rick looks at me and he asked me "if it's alright with you we'd like to stay here" I bite my lower lip and I nodd and I look at axel and he says "we got our own cell block you can take A block".

He nodds at me and I say "we cleared it out I tried to board up the fence over there but it's no use we would need a bigger board I couldn't find one" a older man which looked like Santa clause says "do you have medical supplies?" I nodd with a smile and I see a pregnant woman who looks about ready to pop but she looked like she had been starving "you guys look hungry follow me".

She smiles at me with a nodd everyone follows me into the cafeteria and I fix some leftover squirrel and deer jerky and venison for everyone and axel helps me pass out some water to them and rick asks "we never got yer name" I smile at everyone and I see they had most likely been on the road for a while "Braelee".

Rick looked to be in his early forties late thirties but I get lost within his crystal blue eyes I smile at him he holds out his hand for me to shake I grab it and shake it I look at everyone and Oscar walks out and passes me prenatal vitamins I walk towards the woman me and her look about the same age I pass her the vitamins "there's alot more that should last you a while you look about seven or eight months".

She nodds and I walk towards the tables and grab a empty water bottle and I look at axel "want me to fix your's axel?" he nodds and passes me his gun I grab my knife and a empty water bottle and I make a little hole on the bottom and tape it over his gun I see a guy with a crossbow and a little boy staring at me intently and a black guy and the little boy asks "what are you making?".

I smile at him friendly "homemade silencer" he smiles and walks over to me rick looks like he was gonna tell him to stay back but he moves to sit down in front of me "cool can you do that to my gun?" I snicker and raise a eyebrow at him "aren't ya a little to young to have a gun" I thump his hat "sheriff" he laughs and shakes his head "no i'm thirteen i'm old enough".

I giggle and I ask "which woman is yer momma?" he points to the pregnant woman and he says "that's my mom Lori and that's my dad" he points to rick and I look at her and I ask "is that alright?" she nodds and looks at rick I grab another water bottle and I get down at eye level with him "here let me show you".

I grab the bottle out of his hands and point his knife how to make it the right size and I ask "you need to have the right size hole for the bullet because if it's to big it will still make the sound anyway trust me you do not wanna fire a round in the middle of fighting a zombie" he nodds and I duck tape it to his gun so it doesn't fall of and rick asks "is that what ya call them?".

I turn around and nodd "I mean I know it's cliche but that's what they are called right?" he chuckles and he says "we call em walkers" I bite my lower lip and nodd "I like that it fits them hey guys if ya'll are hungry go ahead fix ya some food we don't bite" everyone relaxes then and a Asian guy says "i'm Glenn" I smile at him and nodd and the girl standing next to him with short brown hair "i'm Maggie this is my sister Beth and my daddy Hershel".

I smile and say "so Santa clause does have a name" he chuckles and a woman with grey hair says "i'm carol" I nodd with a smile and the black guy says "i'm Theodore Douglas but everyone calls me Tdog" I nodd and give them a bright smile and the little boy says "i'm Carl" I wave to him too and then the guy with the crossbow grunts "Daryl".

I smile at him and after they get inside they're cell block and get comfortable and rick says outside in the courtyard "me and Daryl will be taking guard in the tower is that alright?" I nodd with a smile and he matches my smile and I walk back inside the cell block and grab some of the extra blankets and sheets for his people and then before I know it I was locking up our cell doors just in case they end up deciding to take this place.

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