Chapter Ten:Married Woman

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~One Week Later~

I wake up from another damn rick dream what the hell is wrong with me they are getting more and more frequent now like i'm talking every single night I growl and slip on some jeans and my rolling stones tshirt I walk downstairs and see my family eating at the table and I say "i'm gone you guys gonna go talk to Deanna she said she had a job for me".

They wave bye to me I walk down the street heading to Deanna's and after we talk on her porch she says "I've decided to put you as one of doctor's underlings you'll be working under Pete until he thinks your ready" I bite my lower lip oh shit the doctor better not be Jessie's husband.


Deanna walks out of the infirmary and Pete has me doing vitals and putting in the iv's and giving his patients medicine which isn't bad but when I was checking another woman's blood he kept hovering over my shoulder and he made me nervous and when I would pass him he'd put his hand on my back which freaked me out.

I just keep trying to put it away in the back of my head and continue doing my work and checking vitals and then he let me go because there wasn't patients which I was thankful for I was walking out of the door and I see Glenn,Tara and Noah walking away from aidan Deanna's son and glenn looked pissed off I walk ahead and hear glenn scream "you tied up walkers".

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand and Aidan screams "it killed our friend" I scoff and cross my arms and he tells glenn "look i'm not having this conversation when we're out there you do as I say got it?" glenn narrows his eyes at aidan and he spats "well then we're just as screwed as your last run crew".

I see our people starting to come towards the noise so was the Alexandria people crowded around and aidan gets in Glenn's face "say it again" I start to walk up and Noah was trying to hold back aidan and he says "come on man take a step back" glenn narrows his eyes at aidan and he whispers "noone's impressed man walk away".

I grab aidan's arm and Deanna screams "aidan what's going on here?" he doesn't even look at his mom and he says "this guys doesn't like how we do things" he turns to face his mom and he says "why'd ya let these people in here?" Deanna doesn't answer him but glenn does "because we actually know what we're doin out there".

Aidan tries to punch glenn but glenn ducks and punches aidan in the nose and daryl jumps and tackles Nicholas because he started going after glenn and I hear Deanna scream aidan's name and when aidan stands up to go for glenn again I look at him and say "you wanna end up on yer ass again boy try me".

He narrows his eyes at me I hear Deanna tell everyone that we was part of our group aidan tries to pull a gun on me but I quickly slap his hand away and grab the barrel of the gun and point it back at him and I growl "like I said try me kid" blood drips down his nose and I go to reset his nose and wrap it up and I wasn't at all gentle with him I didn't even give him a warning he kept saying "ow braelee it hurts".

I roll my eyes and growl "good I oughta do worse" he rolls his eyes back at me before I say he can leave and go talk to his mom I walk out and I see mom and dad smiling at me so is bubba and tam asks "I see you used the technique I taught ya" I snicker and nodd "thank god ya taught me how to grab a gun from an offender".

He laughs and pats my shoulder and leighanne says "daddy can you teach me that?" I snicker and I say "it's not that hard" she smiles at me and I disarm the gun and hand tam the chamber and I point it at her "which hand do you write with?".

She holds up her right hand and I say "grab the barrel with your left and with yer right slap my hand away" she does it but barely slaps my hand and I say "do it harder this time" she does it and grabs my hand and she puts alot of force behind her hand and I smile "good job and then just point the gun".

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