Erela stiffened at the voice she heard. There was no mistaking it, it sounded just like the man from her dream, the one who had held her against the wall by her throat. It was impossible, but he was very clearly there behind her. She could feel his body grazing against her back. 

Both officers looked at Erela questioningly, picking up on her discomfort, "Do you know this man, Miss?" the younger one asked concerned. 

She was about to beg them for help when the man behind her spoke again, "I'm her boyfriend. Is there a problem Officers?"

They explained the situation again, this time to the dangerous man behind her. The very man that she thought she had imagined only minutes ago.

"Sorry. We were a little busy last night, we wouldn't have heard anything," the man answered suggestively. 

Both officers looked uncomfortable, the young one broke the awkward silence, "Well, I guess we will leave you two alone then. Thank you for your cooperation," he nodded in farewell.

The older officer put a hand on his partner's shoulder, halting him. He looked at Erela, "Are you alright ma'am? I noticed you have a scrape on your cheek" he questioned, gesturing at her scuffed face.

"I-" Erela barely got a sound out before the man behind her was squeezing her hip roughly; however, making it appear as a normal gesture between a couple. 

She snapped her mouth shut as the man behind her interrupted, "Rug burn," he said with a dirty grin.

Once again the four of them returned to an awkward silence, the eldest officer cleared his throat, "Alright then... Thanks, enjoy your day."

"Have a good day, gentlemen," the man bid farewell and ensured the two officers moved on before slamming Erela's door shut, his hand now missing from her hip. 

Immediately she was scrambling away from the dark-haired man, rushing toward her bedroom. She had a gun, and she would use it if she needed to, surely the two cops would hear a gunshot if they stuck around to question other neighbors. Who knew what they would think if she screamed, and besides, the man simply exuded danger, she needed a weapon.

She heard the man chuckle from behind her before she was forced to a stop when he appeared directly in front of her, "You think you can run from me, Angel?"

She shrieked in fear and turned to run again, but he was quick to grip her arm and yank her back, "Where do you think you're going?" he growled, "We have business to discuss."

Erela could only whimper as the man dragged her back to her living room, the place she had last encountered him. "W-who are you?" she questioned shakily, trying weakly to pull her arm from his grasp. 

"You can call me Lucifer," he answered her without hesitation. 

She struggled to accept the reality of the situation. Who on earth was this man and what was he doing in her house?

"How did you get into my house? What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice quivering with fear after the man tossed her onto the couch. 

"It doesn't matter how I got here, and I clearly told you what I wanted last night," he snapped, "You have wasted my time with your pathetic screaming episode, I have every reason to punish you right now."

She flinched back, "I don't understand," she whimpered. 

What did this man, Lucifer, want from her? He said she'd stolen from him the night prior, but she didn't know what it could be. Erela had never stolen a thing in her life, at least not in the sense of physical objects. The only thing she had stolen was her father's life, but she couldn't say that she regretted it. Or that it was what Lucifer was talking about. 

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