Chapter 4: The Abuse..

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I went to Edd’s house. He kicked me hard. I started to cry.

"Why Edd?!?"

He gave me an angry look. "You know Tord is my crush!! You just took him away!"

I cried more. "I love him too! But... He loves me back... He kissed me.."

His eyes widened. "WHAT?!"

I looked down. "I'm sorry..."

Edd slapped me hard. So hard that my nose started to bleed. Edd laughed.

"Tord will be mine!!!" He stomped his foot.

"Please stop hurting me......." I cried.

He hit me once again. "No!"

Matt barged in and heard everything. Matt told Edd to stop.

"Edd, why won't you go date Matt!?" I shouted.

Edd gave me a look. "Fine."

I went to my room and played my base. A cat jumped through my window.

"Hey there little fella" I pet the cat slowly.

It was a pure black cat with yellow eyes. It looked so cute.

"You want food?"

It meowed. I figured it stood for 'yes'. I gave it some of Ringo's cat food. It ate it all up!!

"You really like food!" I giggled.

It purred and sat on my lap.

"I love food human!" It said

"Whoa! You can talk! I've never seen a talking cat before."

I was a little surprised by the talking black cat.

"I think I'll call you, Silvester!" I smiled.

"I love that name! What's yours Human?" It looked at me


"That's a nice name!!!" It purred.

I went to sleep with my new cat. I thought about Tord all night.

In the morning I sneaked over to Tords house. He greeted me.

"Hey babe!" He smiled.

"Hey" I didn't smile as much.

He hugged me and took me inside. I looked him in the eyes and we got really close. He was tired of waiting so he pressed his lips against mine. Then he stuck his tongue inside my mouth. I stuck my tongue in his mouth too. He made out for awhile. Until Tord's hands found their way to my waist. I blushed hard. A tiny moan left my mouth.

"Oh, Tom~"

I smiled and smirked. Then I saw a picture of the black cat and I stood up straight.


He looked at me. "Yes..?"

"How many pets do you have?"

He sighed. "One. A black cat."

I looked at him. "I think I might have your cat..."

"You do?! I can't wait to see him! Also.. could you help me find a name for him?"

"I've already named him Silvester."

He smiled. "Good choice"

I looked up at him. "I love you so much."

He looked at me and blushed. "I love you too, Thomas."

I pressed my lips against his for awhile. He pulled me close. He once again purred.



"Why do you purr?"

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