2) Of sharing and caring

Start from the beginning

He reached for his glasses, putting them off, suddenly much more vulnerable... and open. And absolutely confused. "Alright."

"It's... uhm," 1, 2, 3... "she wants us to go to a double date." There. It was out.

He blinked in surprise, clearly taken aback, letting out something between a chuckle and huff. "And why is that such a bad idea?"

And oh. She did not see that coming. There were no hints of a lie or resistance on his face. Just the confusion. That was... interesting. "I just... I wouldn't think you would...want something like this. I mean, you'll have to pretend that you're... you'll have to hide certain things, not being able to relax, not really... and it will probably be awkward as hell anyway. And... and... uhm, we don't really have time for the dating thing, like going out thing even just the two of us and that's totally fine with me," she added quickly as his gentle smile fell, "I don't mind, I love every single minute with you. We probably would find one evening to... I don't know, go to movies or whatever, the movies are a stupid example, but honestly I thought that part of the... us meeting the way we do is that you can be yourself, not just a blind guy, a brilliant blind guy who I absolutely love, because he's incredibly smart and funny and dorky and hot and good, he's like everything, but you can also be something more, and don't have to hide the part of you that can do a different kind of good and-"

"Vera, Vera, slow down, I'm barely following," he demanded with a silent laugh and she noticed he was no longer holding the cup, instead he held her wrists gingerly, thumbs stroking the thin skin there. So she shut up. His expression was soft.

"Ignore...ignore the babbling, please." She shook her head, shaking off the embarrassment of what she just let escape her mouth. "So you would go... to a double date? Us. With Terri and Victor?"

He shrugged. "Sure. Also, you're- you really are cute, you know that? That little blush here..." He lifted one hand to touch her cheek (which reddened even more, naturally), then moving to her lips and she parted them subconsciously at his touch, exhaling at the pleasant feeling. "And so thoughtful. I was serious when I said that you tend to think. You think a lot and I appreciate that you're considerate of me. It's true I'm more of a... homebody I guess, partly because of what you said, but I can step out of that comfort zone. And I would like you to answer one question truthfully now." His eyes were seeking, examining her face seriously and Vera feared the question as he leaned his head slightly in her space.

She encouraged him by kissing the top on his finger fondling her lower lip despite needing some courage by herself. His lips spread into wider smile at the affection.

"Would you like me to take you on a date? A proper one, that doesn't involve punching bags and me climbing up – or down, depends - your fire escape?"

She chuckled at his little joke, until she realized he wasn't joking and he in fact watched her expectantly, his fingers moving rather to her cheek, resting there. Oh. Would she?

Her tongue tangled as his big honest eyes observed her, hints of guilt in them never leaving, his features soft, telling her any answer was right or wrong. Her heart fluttered at the sight. She didn't deserve that.

"I...I guess. If... if you want to," she stuttered and he sighed.

"I do, if you let me. But this is about what do you want now. I like spending time with you, no matter how."

"Alright. Yes. I would like you to take me on a proper date sometime."

"Great. Now, is lunch considered at least an approximation of a proper date or not? Because I'm starving and you didn't get any lunch either," he grinned and her stomach grumbled at his exclaim, which made him grin even wider.

Damned If I Don't *Matt Murdock* (book two of Damned)Where stories live. Discover now