chapter forty four- "pull off anything"

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TO BE HONEST I'm surprised as to how much I like Elle. Our study group is composed of mostly sophomores and juniors, but for some reason, I find that I'm always talking to her. This is our third meeting (we meet twice a week!) and Elle has successfully baked a high quality item each time.

Right now, I may or may not be on my third funfetti brownie.

That's right.

A rainbow brownie.

It's not only instagrammable, but it's also really, really, good. It's gooey and rich and tastes like it was brought down by the gods. It doesn't even compare to her lemon tarts, though. As of right now, we're just sitting here, asking each other questions about Mesopotamia and enjoying our goods. We're sitting inside the library, and somehow, Elle has convinced her that we won't make a mess.

I take in the scene.

Beside me, is the short sophomore, expertly answering a question from the boy opposite to us. He's lanky, with glasses and a thick accent. Apparently, he's from Pakistan, and his name is so hard to pronounce that he just insist we call him Larry.

Larry has one of those weak mustaches that's really just a patchy shadow above his upper lip. It makes me laugh, because I always think it looks like the shadow of a caterpillar. But besides that, he does have nice eyes and a soft smile. He's beaming around Elle, which makes me think that he likes her.

However, she hasn't really given him a glance.

The forth participant in this academic atrocity is a girl by the name of Anwen who has bright pink hair and braces. She's quiet, but her answers are always right. It makes me believe that Elle assembled the people in the class who she views to be the most intelligent.

I almost asked her if Liam could join, but then I realized that he would rather die than be subjected to this kind of activity.

"BREAK!" Elle exclaims, which receives shushes from both librarians. She shrugs with an apologetic smile and turns her body to face mine as the others leave. She narrows her chocolate eyes at me with a sloppy grin on her lips. "Olivia Bear, I have a proposition for you; if you say no, it will break my precious heart."

I widen my eyes. "Well, I guess I'll have to say yes." I say with a slight chuckle in my voice.

"You, me, Hope, ice skating. I will provide snacks." She says, beginning to walk towards a nearby bookshelf, full of all sorts of YA titles.

I make an effort to walk as fast as her, trailing behind her feet as I respond."When?" I ask, thinking about my plans.

Then, I realize that I don't really have I life. I just spend a lot of time making out with Liam. The other 90% of my days are devoted to studying and doing AP chem homework.

"Sunday. After church."

I quietly snort. 

The last time I stepped into a religious building low rise jeans were in style. 

"I'll be there." I answer, mirroring her swiftness and watching her pull out a book from the shelf. I don't catch a glimpse at the title, but the novel is chunky at best, and mammoth at worst. 

* * *

"I've never had so much faith in democracy." Liam says, sarcastically. He's walking me to the NHS meeting, and my heart is bursting out of my chest.

"What's going to happen if he's impeached?" I say, quietly.

I know how I'm going to vote today.

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