Chapter 21

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Liza sat in her bed staring at her ceiling for what seemed like an eternity. She was heartbroken but wasn't depressed. She saved words like that only when absolutely needed. Why put yourself in the category of depressed when you just are a little bummed?  Liza was a strong enforcer of positivity. She knew her mom would come back, and she respected her mom. After her dad's "death", she was there. Liza knew that and respected that and loved that. If she needed a break, she deserved it. It just happened to be that Liza never saw her mom anyways and the fact that she was so quick to leave her without explanation left a ball of sadness in her throat. She couldn't speak, so how on earth could she go to school. She got up from her bed and slid down the railing into the kitchen. Liza's mom was right, she did know the code to the ATM machine and Liza was going to stop by a cosey bookstore on third street and drink some hot chocolate and a youtuber book. Liza grabbed her keys off the counter and slowly walked to her car watching her feet make every step.

one step
two step
three step
oh little girl don't cry no more
five step
six step
seventh step
oh my god she's left her gate
nine step
ten step
eleven step
now she's gone, she now talks and tells

Liza replayed her little poem she made while walking as she watched her boots until she made it into her car. The radio clicked on as she turned her keys. The song 'Hands to Myself' by Selena Gomez blasted through the speakers as she drove down the streets. She quickly went to the ATM machine and took out 50 dollars and made her way to the small bookstore on third.

"Where is she..." David mumbled leaning against the wall outside of school.
"Aww is someone looking for their  girlfriend." Toddy said in a high pitched voice while laughing.
"Shove a d**k in your mouth." Gabbie said rolling her eyes as she walked over and stood next to David.
"She'll be here. She's probably late." Gabbie suggested as she looked at her phone. But she didn't believe that. She believed Liza was hurting. But she had no idea why.

Liza walked into the little coffee shop connected to a bookstore upstairs. It was truly an adorable little place. She walked over to the counter pulling out 4.50 to pay for her hot chocolate.
"No need... I'll pay." The cashier said behind the table smiling at Liza.
He looked about 17 and had dark brown hair. His smile was almost calming and made almost every girl that saw him hypnotized. That is every girl except for Liza. Liza had her eyes on someone else. Only eyes for someone else.
"Are you sure... I feel terrible." Liza said trying to slide the money back on the table.
"I'm serious... just take it. It's on the house. A drink for a beautiful girl." He said blushing a little bit as he handed Liza the drink.
"Thanks.... That was really sweet." Liza said feeling her cheeks getting hot. Not because she liked him, but because she wasn't used to the attention and the idea that people thought she was pretty.
"So... What are you doing skipping school." He asked smiling as he wiped his hands off on his apron.
"Me... Skip school? Pshh no. I'm just... experimenting! I'm in a journalism course and we were given an assignment to basically travel to your favorite place and write a meaningful and loving description of it based on your viewpoints of how you like it..." Liza said faking confidence as she looked around.
"I see..." He said laughing as he watched Liza.
"I'm Will." He said smiling as he extended out his hand towards Liza.
"Liza.... Elizabeth for long." She said smiling as she shook his hand.

"She's still not here Gabbie," David said looking at his phone as if a message from Liza would just appear.
"David she might be sick. You're going to be-" Gabbie started but quickly was interrupted.
"So... Lisa isn't here today," Melanie said smiling as she walked over to David.
"Liza. Her name is Liza. And I don't know where she is..." David said worried as he checked his phone again.
"Maybe I can help distract you..." Melanie said smiling as she played with his sweatshirt strings smiling.
"Not now... Maybe later or something..." David said looking at her.
"Maybe now..." She said shooting closer smiling.
"Maybe...." David said smiling as he looked at her.
"You're full of sh*t David!" Gabbie said pushing him, causing him to knock into a wall, as she walked into class.
Gabbie wanted to believe David, and she wanted Liza to be happy but she couldn't get the idea out of her head that David just wanted sex or he just wanted a toy. She 100% believed that David was incapable of having real feelings. And every split second she believed he did, he did something stupid and made her want to take it back.She stormed off to go find Alex to rant about it.
"Wait no, not now!" David said pushing Melanie off of him. Without Liza, he just felt gone. Like his heart packed it's bags and left.
"You were fine with doing it before," Melanie said rolling her eyes and playing with his sweatshirt strings.
"I'm not now. I didn't even understand the question! I like- I'm interested in.... I just don't like you!" David said as he ran into math class and sat down.
Thoughts of Melanie and Liza flew through his head. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. Maybe he wasn't ready for a relationship. Maybe he wasn't mature enough. But god he loved Liza.  He think he did... He knew he did.
"Okay Let's start attendance. Is anyone absent?" The teacher said looking down.
The whole class in unison answered Liza and she wrote it down.
Everyone loves Liza.  David thought to himself as he played with his pencil.

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