Chapter 17

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There was five minutes till the end of the class and Liza had already finished her, and David's notes. She was doodling hearts around his name, which she didn't notice till right then.
Good job Liza. She thought to herself as she quickly pushed away the notes.
Maybe he won't notice? Liza thought hopefully as she looked at his notes. But she knew that was probably unlikely considering his name was at the top corner and hearts were practically bursting out of every letter.
Liza was going to try to put some white out on it or something, but the bell rung and Gabbie dragged her outside, and of course David followed behind.
"Do you think I should maybe ask Alex out on one date... Just to see if there's any sparks..." Gabbie said quietly to Liza. Liza instantly started smiling and shaking.
"Don't do it." Gabbie said glaring at her.
"MY SHIP IS SAILING!" Liza screamed as she ran down the hallway.
David watched all of this smiling as he slowly started walking behind. Luckily he didn't have to walk alone because the spawn of Satan- I mean Melanie joined him.
"Hey baby." Melanie said kissing David's head.
"Please don't." David said fake smiling as he pushed her off.
"Oh come on!" I'll be at your house later. We have a lot to catch up on." Melanie said winking as she touched David's lip with her finger. David stared at her in disgust as she walked away.
Great. David thought sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and ran to find the girls.
He was about to turn a corner when he heard screams coming from the other direction.
"ARE YOU THE PERSON THAT STARTED A GALEX FANPAGE?" Gabbie screamed as she jumped up and down trying to reach her.
"UM..." Liza said panicking as she was being helped up on a locker by a tall kid.
"Thanks by the way." Liza said smiling at the kid.
"Liza Koshy touched me." The kid said smiling before he fainted.
"OH MY GOSH!" Liza screamed staring at the kid.
Gabbie just laughed hysterically while David walked up and rolled his eyes.
Yeah well Liza Koshy is mine kid so ha. David thought to himself smiling.
"SOMEONE HELP HIM!" Liza screamed.
"SOMEONE HELP YOU. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CREATED A F*CKING FANPAGE." Gabbie screamed, trying to grab Liza from on top of the locker.
"INCOMING!" Liza screamed to David as she jumped off the lockers.
"LIZA!" David screamed running to catch her. Luckily he got there just in time and caught her bridal style.
"You're a lot stronger than I thought." Liza said smiling as she put her hand on his chest . She looked in his eyes and he felt like his heart was melting.
"B*TCH STOP FLIRTING ." Gabbie said running over to her.
"Gotta go Pookie!" Liza said smiling before jumping out of his arms and running.
Is it possible for your heart to be in someone else's hands... David thought smiling as he slid down one of the lockers.
"You're stuck too?" The boy whispered quietly.
"What...?" David said looking over.
"With Liza." The boy said gazing off.
"Yeah... I guess so." David said smiling as he got up and walked to class in a trance.
Gabbie and Liza ran all the way to Liza's fifth period.
"Okay okay... you win. I'll take down the account." Liza said puffing out of breath.
"I'm asking him out on a date after school..." Gabbie says  out of breath.
"I'm super excited..." Liza puffed as she walked in.
"Yeah me too..." Gabbie said walking away.
Liza rolled her eyes smiling. Gabbie was the best kind of friend.
She plopped down in her seat and blew a piece of hair out of her face. David said down right next to her and she looked up.
"Hi Pookie," She said smiling.
"Lizabug." He said smiling.
"What was that all about..." David said laughing as he turned to Liza. Her hair was all messed up and lips were puffed out because she was out of breath. She looked adorably tired.
"Gabbie is asking Alex out after school! And she found out about my fanpage... super awkward." Liza rambled.
"It's about f*cking time they went out." David responded staring at Liza.
"Exactly! That's what I said." Liza said smiling.
"You want to watch her ask him out... Not in like a creepy way as like a supportive friend way." Liza said staring at him.
"I thought we were already doing that." David responded evilly smirking as Liza laughed.
They spent the remainder of that class laughing over Gabbie and Alex, internet trends, and different quirks about each other.
"Wait, you've actually broken someone's arm?" David asked laughing demonically. Liza laughed nervously.
"Well I wouldn't say I did it per say... I was just the dance captain and I might've told her to stand too close to the edge of the stage..." Liza said awkwardly.
"That's f*cking hilarious." David said laughing.
"Are you the kind of person who finds amusement in others pain?" Liza said laughing and pretending to be shocked.
"Oh of course not. I'd record it and make millions so other people can laugh at it." David said smirking.
"I so hate you." Liza said laughing bumping him.
"I hate you more fun-sized." He said laughing bumping her back.
"Look it's Dan!" Liza screeched while running over to him and jumping on his back.
"Ah! What the f*ck!" He said laughing as he caught Liza.
"We've talked about this. You have to give me some sort of notice you Brat." He said laughing as he spun around while she was on his back.
David just glared at them.
Does she like him... Does he like her.. Who the f*ck is he anyways. David thought as he rolled his eyes.
"Hey look it's Liza's little boyfri-" Dan started but Liza hit him in the head.
"Ow!" Dan said rubbing his head.
"Exactly." Liza said smirking as she hopped off.
"Come on Pookie." Liza said laughing as she waved bye to Dan.
David instantly got jealous.
"Who's that?" David said annoyed.
"Daniel." Liza said laughing.
"Well do you like him or something!" David said aggravated.
"Oh honey you're adorable." Liza said smiling at David.
"You didn't answer the question." David said still annoyed.
"I don't have to." Liza said smiling as she put her hand in his. She intertwined their fingers and kept walking.
David turned a shade of pink and started smiling like a little kid. He was absolutely smitten for the rest of the day.
He'd never held a girls hand like that before. You don't need to when you're only having sex or in it for looks. He held Liza's hand and there was nothing else but him and her. They were attached. It was them.
"Pookie!" Liza yelled laughing as she looked up at him.
"Hm... what?" David said blushing.
"You zoned out again." Liza said laughing as they stood in front of Language Arts.
"Come on." Liza said dragging him in. As soon as they sat down Liza remembered the notes.
"I noticed you seemed distracted in Science class. Which is completely fine because BISH me too. So I made you a pair of notes! I always get bored in class." Liza said sliding them over kindly.
"Mind the hearts..." Liza blushed looking away.
David just smiled. When she offered help , it wasn't mean or cocky. He didn't understand why, he was normally offended. But never with Liza.
"Thanks Liza..." David said smiling. He outlined the hearts she drew with his fingers causing him to start smiling even more.
"No problem..." Liza said smiling.
A/N: Bringing you bad chapters since literally forever! Now before you all freak out, I updated in one day exact. ( I promised today or tomorrow so eh!) That might just be the quickest update ever on this book.
(Pathetic, I am aware.) I could've published it sooner but
1. I watched a 1 hour jacksfilms video
2. Today was actual crap. Like a really bad day.
3. I love you?
4. I keep getting distracted by Instagram videos
Anyways, please comment and vote!
Did you hate this chapter?
Did you love this chapter?
Do I need to stick to my day job and never write another book again? (Yes.)
Idk you tell me.
Also can we all relate to the kid who fainted because, if Liza touched me SHOOT I WOULD FAINT TOO.
Goodbye my girls and my guys and my gender neutral friends!

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