Chapter 14

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Liza looked down at her paper playing with her pen.
I think he's staring at me... Liza thought as she smiled to herself but instantly stopped.
He doesn't like you Liza! Get it in your head. She thought to herself as she continued to doodle. (doddleoddle DODIE)
"Class dismissed." The teacher said smiling as she prepared for her next class. Liza, Dan, and Gabbie walked out smiling and laughing. Liza almost forgot about David until he ran up behind them.
"Liza! Oh- and Gabbie." David said out of breath from running up to them.
"I'm going to go." Dan said smiling at Liza and Gabbie as he walked off.
"He's one of my favorite people ever." Gabbie said smiling at Liza as she ignored David.
"Me too!" Liza said smiling happily. But David cringed. Why was he her favorite person? David thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.
"Hi David." Liza said faking a smile.
"What about pookie?" David said deflated with a confused look on his face.
"Look at that! We have U.S History! Later David!" Gabbie said as she grabbed Liza's wrist and dragged her.
Great. David thought running his hands through his already messed up hair. He smelled his shirt. To normal people it might have smelled like a very strong perfume, but to David it smelled toxic. It smelled like things he shouldn't of been doing. It smelled of lost friends. He just hoped he hadn't lost Liza. She was the only person that really mattered to him like that, and he didn't know how it was possible in only a couple of days. He walked to History alone thinking of different ways to talk to Liza.
"Nice save." Liza said smiling as she looked at Gabbie.
"Hey what are best friends for." Gabble said hugging Liza.
"So how are you and Al-" Liza started but Alex ran up to them.
"Hey Liza." Alex said putting his arm around Gabbie and smiling.
Gabbie's face instantly turned a bright pink shade and Liza was about to scream but the bell rang.
"This isn't over!" Liza whispered laughing as she ran into the classroom. Gabbie and Alex sat next to each other, and Gabbie saved a seat for Liza, but she didn't want to interrupt them, so she sat right behind them in a corner. That way she could watch them and most likely sit  alone.
"Lizabug!" David said sitting next to her.
"David?" Liza said confused as she looked at him.
"Liza!" David said smiling and looking at her.
"You smell disgusting.. what perfume does she use..." Liza said coughing as Gabbie and Alex started dying laughing.  David started glaring at Gabbie and Alex and they both awkwardly stopped.
"I'm just gonna turn around now..." Gabbie said trying to act serious while clearing her throat.
"Yeah... I do smell like that don't I..." David said deflated as he ran his hands through his hair. He couldn't let the conversation die... he needed to hear her voice.
"May I please go to the bathroom?" Liza asked while David was brainstorming.
"Yes of course." The teacher said smiling and everyone watched Liza leave.
"May I please go to the nurse?" David said acting like he was in pain.
"Your acting is almost as bad as your ability to keep your virginity." Gabbie whispered smirking as David rolled his eyes.
"Sure David." The teacher grumbled as she rolled her eyes.
David ran out of the room and saw Liza slowly walking ahead and pulling her hair behind her ear.
God... David said biting his bottom lip while smiling as he ran up to her.
"David?" Liza said laughing as she looked at him.
"Follow me..." David said grabbing her hand and taking her into the library. Liza's face turned an instant shade of pink as David grasped on to her hand and ran up the stairs and into a closed off corner.
"Where the heck are we?" Liza asked crawling into the dark spot.
"I found it freshman year... I come here sometimes." David said smiling while looking around while pulling out his phone for light.
"What are we doing here..." Liza asked looking around while shivering.
"I don't know...You get used to the cold..." David said pulling out a blanket and scooting closer to Liza to wrap it around her. Liza started blushing and David just smiled.
Do I kiss her? Should I kiss her...  David thought to himself as he stared at Liza.
Before David could do anything Liza hugged him.
"I'm glad I came to California." Liza said grabbing on to his neck. He was instantly overcome with her smell and her touch. She smelled like lemons. Not sour sweet lemons that no one likes. Like dainty sweet lemons, that everyone wanted to smell and be around. Lemongrass and peach. He couldn't even describe her touch... Sparks.
"Me too..." David whispered back smiling and hugging back.
The hug lasted for a good minute before both of them started blushing and backing apart.
"Oh God we have class!" Liza said yelling as she slid down the railing of the stairs and started running back to class.
It was worth a shot... but she doesn't seem to be mad anymore. David said smiling as he fell on his back and stared up.
"Thanks God." David said quietly as he ran his fingers through his hair and smiled.
As soon as Liza ran out of the library and into the hallway in front of her class, she stopped right in front of the door.
"Thanks God..." Liza whispered to herself as she smiled and closed her eyes before walking back into the classroom with a huge smile on her face, and a new glisten of hope in her eyes.

A/N: Hi people! This is super late! If I'm this late, someone... YELL AT ME. School is just super stressful because I might be switching schools in the next couple of weeks! But vote and comment your opinions on the chapter! Should I continue? Should I never write again? I don't know man, it's all up to you. Sorry for a not as good shorter chapter, but hey I updated! Anyways, thanks for reading! See you VERY SOON. (Hint hint, I'm not going to update like this anymore)

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