Chapter 1 -Cold Hearted-

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Welcome back everybody! Now I don't count this as a re-write, I will be keeping the bulk of this story untouched besides minor details and smoothing out stuff in general. However, these first few chapters will not be the same as the original. I will be keeping what happens (originally) in each ('new') chapter to their own chapter. Basically it follows the flow of the original but different stuff happens. It won't last too long though, only about the first five chapters, then its smooth sailing.

That being said, rewriting the first few chapters is taking me longer than previously thought, but chapters will come out when they come out. I'm just as excited about revamping AMOC as you guys are of reading it! And this time it actually has a plot! and an end! (literally, OG AMOC did not have that.)

Starting at 4380 words, a bit small, but a cute little throwback to when I was a smol and wrote smol chapters. HAVE FUN AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY UN-DEAD A MURDER OF CROWS!

It was dark.

Low clouds covered the midnight sky. The full moon refused to have it's light be obstructed by the near black clouds. It's light radiated through the clouds in a soft haze, sending uneven shadows on the ground. An artificial orange reflected off the clouds, the distant lights from the bustling crime-ridden city not far from the docks.

The lap of wind-driven waves sounded on the algae infested docks, the spray of the water gave the air surrounding it the distinct smell of fish and salt. The wind howled low between the warehouses, stirring up the litter and debris in little mini tornados. Telling its tale of the hard waves and unforgivable storms that could come to pass.

A shadow moved unseen across a roof, a good 20 feet in the air.

The wind grew louder and the warehouses' shuddered and groaned with the pressure, sounding almost ready to bend to the will of the weather. The shadow stopped as the wind settled down, returning to its low howl that whistled through small ears.

Everything seemed at peace, barely any movement except for the wind-buffed waves and slight tussle of raven black hair. But the figure knew better, warm bodies huddled together in the warehouse in front of the shadow. Their heartbeats combined made enough noise to scare a flock of pigeons, much too loud if they wanted to stay alive.

The rather small figure slowly crouched, getting low to the ground before inching forward. His movements were slow but purposeful, no energy wasted, no action uneccesary. Chillingly efficient.

The figure came to the edge of the roof, he settled down and sat on his heels. A shadow seemed to follow him, a black mass connected to his back. A stray gust of wind ruffled his unkempt hair, also moving a few feathers out of place. A pair of beautifully dark wings cradled his crouched form, buffering himself from the wind and further concealing him from sight.

He seemed frozen, the wild hair and feathers became one with the scenery. Any untrained eye would jump over the mundane movements of the night, searching for sudden sights and alarming action. The winged figure suppressed a shiver, the air was frigid, the wind biting at his bare nose and cheeks. His sightless eyes narrowed behind a white lensed mask, seeming tired in the late night, but his mind was much too alive, his limbs itching to stretch.

Itching to draw blood.

An inky black cloak cascaded down his shoulders, keeping what little warmth he had close to his body. The wind whistled through his ears again, sending vibrations out into the air. The vibrations hit walls and surfaces, giving insight to everything around him. The sound of the waves also proved useful as the vibrations it gave off gave him a perfect view of the yard below. The heartbeats and shuffling of the men in the warehouse revealed their location, if anything emitted sound, he could see it.

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