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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything DEH

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of triggering topics

Italics that aren't the letters are Evan's thoughts

This is it guys!! The end!


Evan went home after this high school graduation, closing the door and going up to his room. Heidi was in the main living room, giving her son some time to process what had happened. He had just graduated high school, highschool of all things. He was done, off to take a year off.

Evan gazed around his room, his eyes settling on his bed. A note was neatly folded on his pillow, standing out on the pillowcase. Curiosity sparked in his body as he picked up the light enveloped, his name neatly written in cursive on the front. Tearing into the letter, Evan fumbled with the folded paper.

It was typed on one side and printed on the other. The printed side read...

Dear Evan Hansen,

Turns out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing week or an amazing year, because why would it be?
I know, because there's Zoe, and all my hope is pinned on Zoe, who I don't even know, and doesn't know me. Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be different at all. I wish everything was different.
I wish I was apart of something. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. I mean face it, would anyone notice if I disappeared tomorrow?

Your most best, and dearest friend, Me.

Evan's eyes welled with tears, had he really felt like that? Sure he still felt bad some days, but never that bad. Shaking it off best he could, he turned it over to the written side.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is a great day because today you graduate high school! You got better over the year instead of getting worse, even if you had ups and downs. Even if I had ups and downs as well, it got better and it will still get better.
You don't need Zoe, you have Connor. You have a boyfriend that loves you more than he thought he possibly could. You saved someone who also saved you, even if he would never admit it outloud.
You became a part of something, you became apart of us. You became apart of me, a part of my heart. I didn't even think I had one until you came into my life.
I love you Evan Hansen, and today will be a good day after all. And this year will be a good year after all. And so will the days and months and years to come.

Me (AKA Connor Murphy)

Evan's eyes welled with tears, tears of happiness. He chuckled softly at the last part.

'AKA Connor Murphy'; no shit Sherlock. I thought Jared wrote it.

Happiness overwhelmed Evan's body, swelling in his heart. He heard footsteps at his door, looking over through teary eyes.

"I take it you liked my letter." Connor laughed, a present in his hands. Evan didn't say anything, just stood up and pulled Connor into a hug. He tightened his grip around his boyfriend, burying his face in his chest.

"You kept that letter? From the first day of school?" Evan asked, honestly surprised. Connor chuckled, wrapping an arm around him.

"Course I did. I knew then I loved you." Connor said, genuinely happy. Both boys didn't have a negative emotion in their body at that moment.

"Took me a while longer, but I love you too." Evan smiled, kissing Connor's cheek.

"Ready to go?"

Evan stopped, taking a moment to think. "One minute."

He went to his desk, pulling out a sticky note. He grabbed a pen and started to write, needing to give Connor something.

Dear Connor Murphy,

I love you.

Evan Hansen

Evan stuck the note on Connor's shirt, kissing his boyfriend's lips. Connor broke the kiss after several seconds, holding out the present. It was a bag with a heavy jar inside, a jar full of letters to Evan, written almost every day since they started dating.

Both Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy have graduated high school, something neither boy thought they would do.

Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy also got something else this year, something neither would have ever thought they deserved.

They found love.


The ending is really cheesy I know, but I suck at endings. Hope everyone enjoyed this fic! I just didn't know what to do with it anymore. Thanks to all those who supported it! Love you all :)

Abasement With Heavy HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora