Wedding Bells/ Demon Hunters

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No One POV

Elena and Damon stood staring into each others eyes. Stefan sat at the bar downing drinks like there was no tomorrow. Stiles and his sires, along with his child congratulated the new couple.

This was also the day Ramona had to adjust to a life without her father. It was all thanks to Gray McCall- Martin.  The boy who shot her with an arrow.

The wedding rececption was beautiful. Until....

Arrows began flying everywhere. Most of the arrows being laced with vervain. Since Ramona was an Originals hybrid offspring her arrow was laced with wolfsbane, & vervain.

"Ahhhh !" Ramona screamed loudly as the ground beneath her began to shake. She was a Mikaelson witch. Just like Hope. Gray chuckled as everyone was trying to recover from the ambush. "Run now, Little Red. For I'm the hubter and you're the hunted." Ramona looked to her father and mother tears stinging hers eyes. Stiles was telling something to her, but she blocked it out.

Ramona began to run. She ran and didn't turn back. For if she turned around Gray most likely would have just killed her for sport. There is a reason he shot her with many arrows.

"Ramona !!!!" Stiles and Tessa yelled, getting no reply from their 12 year old daughter. Gray waited 4 minuges before following her with a crossbow. This was game to him. This was personal. 

Scott knew nothing of what his child has done, bit more importantly he doesn't know Lydia asked this evil of their child to be done.

Ramona ran til she was certain of Gray losing her trail. At least for now. She collapsed out on an street when a man appeared before her. The man was tall, & had a flannel. Even through her pain she had clear hearing. "Dean !!!"  Sam yelled seeing the almost dead girl in the street. "What Sam !? It's just a girl. She's probably fine..." Dean yelled making sure there were no scrathes on his beloved impala.  "She's 12 Dean ! We're taking her back to the bunker ! She's is severly wounded !"

Dean no longer hesitated and helped same get Ramona into the backseat. The Winchesters had no idea of the powerful being which they had rescued.

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