Life in the palace

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  Life here is boring, there's nothing you can do but stay in the room. I hope Cian is fine and didn't get raped, cuz i have been raped i dont know how many time. But I've been sick the past two days, I've been throwing up and my stomach hurts alot. And I've been super tried like i wake up and then an hour later I'm sleepy. It's only been 5 week since this all happen and papa and dad didn't come to visit. While i was here Liam is not that bad but i still can't trust him. It was 1:59 a.m i felt nausea and wanting to throw up. I ran to the bathroom as fast as i can Liam woke up and walked towards were i am.
    "You should go see the healer Ash" slightly worrying.
   "No im fine its probably the food I've been eating plus i know the stomach flu season is over so it's not that"
    "Ok but if it gets worse I'll take up to the healer" he slowly helped up Ashton and led him to bed. They both fell back to sleep with Ashton on top of him Ashton had a dream when he slept.
* little kid laughing* "papa papaa i want you to twirl me pwees"
"Hold on baby daddy is going to get mad at me." The kid ran to Aiden "uncle aidee can you twirl me." "*aiden laugh* i would and we'll be seeing the world spinning ok."
" Yahh i want to see it spin" they twirl and laugh. "That that fun uncle aidee" he saw his daddy come over and pick him up
"Daddy i miss you!!" The little kid said.
"Awww sorry Ren i was busy with my work" he pout
"Papaa! Daddy is pouty"
"Babe stop that plz you going to make ren sad to"
"Okok sowwy"
"It ok daddy"
"I love you, you and papa ok"
"Me too! I love papa and daddy! We'll go to a zoo when your not busy ok pinkie promise"
"*Liam laugh* pinkie promise"
End of his dream
That was a weird dream huh Ren how cute he looks like me and Liam. I want a kid like that... Ughh what am i thinking its just a dream.
   "Ash why are you awake?"
Its just a dream nothing eles......

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