•~•CHAPTER 21•~•

Start from the beginning

"Mason didn't put a gag order on him. I don't know why but I guess I'm thankful he did..."

"Okay well that's the plan now?"

"Well later that night Sage came and apologized to me for momma-bearing out and apologized for everything her mate said and did. She is on my side now as long as I don't rush into anything big with Carver. She knows how mate's are, obviously, so she's not going to try and keep me from him."

"You're sister's a good sister."

"She's gunna be a great Luna," Clary adds with a genuine smile. "And as for Carver... you guys will be good together. He needs someone like you. I'll be glad to call you my Gamma-female," she finished with a grin while Mel nods along.

"Thanks for being supportive. I was worried to tell you guys."

"What? Why?" Mel sounds offended.

"I don't know. Maybe you guys would be bothered that I'm new here and already meant to be one of your leaders."

"Faith, we're your friends. And we are definitely not that shallow. You can always come to us with...well everything," Clary giggles slightly.

My heart swells at hearing that they're just as happy to be friends with me as I am to be friends with them.


I find him outside- a 3 or so year old pup on his shoulders as he runs after whole group of screaming pups, wide smiles on all their faces. The scene makes my heart beat just a little faster thinking of my potential future with him.

A weight slams into the back of my legs and I look down to see another one of the pups running like crazy. She plops backwards on to her butt and giggles like crazy.

I smile down at her and kneel down to her level, pulling her back to her feet. She waddles over to me and clings to my neck immediately.

I pick her up as I stand, placing her on my hip.

"What's your name cutie?" I ask sweetly.

She just giggles, latching on to me tighter.

"Hey beautiful," I hear Carver say. When I look up, he's just a few steps away from me and advancing.

When he gets close enough, his hand comes out to rest on my opposite hip and he pulls me closer so he can press a gentle kiss to the side of my head. As he steps away, he looks just as surprised as I am by his affection; we share an awkward pause after he steps back but the children don't seem to notice.

He clears his throat before speaking into the silence we created between ourselves. "That's Paige. She's just barely 2 now." I love how he knows.

"She's adorable. So is he," I answer, nodding to the pup on his shoulders.

"Who? Jeremiah?" He laughs, swinging the giggling child down into his arms and beginning to tickle him. Jeremiah squeals and squirms, his laughter making some of the other children complain for their turns.

"You're good with them Carver," I praise, puffing my male up slightly. "Anyway, I came to find you like you asked."

His eyes light up. "Brownies?"

The kids start gasping and shouting out requests which only makes me laugh.

"Race you there!" He shouts, putting Jeremiah down. All the kids take off towards the house. Paige wiggles until I put her down and then she waddles after the herd.

When I look back up, Carver is standing in the same place. "Weren't you the one who wanted the brownies?" I smile up at him. His lips quirk up into a crooked grin.

"Eh...I want you more," he tells me, his voice much lower than the one he used with the children. He walks closer to me again, right into my radius like he did in the kitchen earlier.

"You really don't understand personal space, do you?" I breathe out, trying to sound sarcastic despite how much he makes my heart race.

"Not when it comes to you," he grins back at me.

"You need to learn manners." My attempts to keep my calm.

"You don't really want that though, do you?" He places his hand on my hip again, pulling me against him.

"You don't have to answer. I can tell- I can practically see your pulse beating faster under your delicate skin," he leans down and presses his lips to the pulse on my neck. My body involuntarily shivers in response and it causes a smirk to quickly appear on his cocky...stupid... handsome.....what was I talking about again?

I lean into his hand when he places it on my jaw. "I heard you tell your friends that I am yours." His eyes stare straight into my own and I'm locked in place.

"You are."

"You're mine."

"I am."

He smiles, biting down on his lower lip to try and contain his obvious excitement. "I'm glad you're admitting it."

I shrug slightly, trying not to move too much in fear that he'll stop touching me. I don't want him to go yet. 'Or ever,' my wolf adds with a purr.

I'm in for a lot of crazy...

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