the party ◊ new girl

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everyone staring at you because you're the new girl


"everyone, this is our new student, (y/n) (l/n)." mr. clarke - that was his name, you deduced by the board - said, holding his hand out as to introduce you to the class. there was no response, everyone just stared off into their own world, which you were obviously fine with. you gave a timid wave and looked towards mr. clarke for help, who just cleared his throat and pointed to an empty seat in the back. "you can just take a seat right there if you'd like, ms. (l/n)." he said kindly, placing a hand on your back as to guide you to the seat. you nodded and walked over to it, placing your bag down beside the desk and plopping yourself down onto the seat.

"where did she come from?" dustin asked, looking over at lucas who was staring at you just as everyone else was. 

"i don't know... do you think she's cool?" will asked, trying to smile over but still just keeping a straight face as he stared.

"maybe..." lucas replied.

"guys, don't go jumping to conclusions just yet... she could just be another face in the crowd." mike resisted, still upset that eleven had left the group... he wasn't going to lie to himself though, you were gorgeous and you did look pretty cool.

after opening your textbook, you looked up to see a small group of - actually cute - boys looking over at you, curiosity on their faces. you gave a small wave, which the one with the curly hair and the one with the bowl cut kindly returned. the other two looked skeptical. 

"we should talk to her."

"how the hell are we going to talk to her?"

"shut up, dipshit, i'm sure she's approachable."

"hey, you guys aren't very good whisperers." you replied, smiling coyly up at them; they quickly realized you heard every word and all four of them quickly turned around, blushes sneaking up on their faces. you smiled to yourself and ripped a piece of paper out of your notebook, writing something down and throwing it across the room so it landed on the one with the bowl cut's desk. 

will looked up eagerly at the party and opened it, whispering gently towards them as he read it out loud.

meet me by the fences when we go outside. 
p.s. i'm very cool and approachable ;)


it's actually not bad?

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