eleven ◊ 353 days...

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eleven finally seeing you after 353 days
[ you two had been crushing on each other, then she disappeared ]
{ it's sort of like mike and el but with you and el }


you screamed as the demo-dog launched through the window, most likely already dead. with your kitchen knife in hand, you pointed it towards the dog, the rest of the team defensively holding up their weapons. once hopper had checked to make sure it was dead, you head the door struggling to open on the other side. you yelped and held your knife out towards the door, the rest of the team doing the same. 

the lock on the door slid open and the door opened carefully, the knob hitting the back of the wall once it'd opened. you looked down and saw a pair of beat up white converse stepping through the door frame; your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes travelled up to tis person's face. the air in the room became thick, as everyone held their breaths. some of the party waited for your reaction...

"e-eleven...?" you stuttered, feeling tears begin to form in your eyes; she looked up at you with a shocked/solemn look on her face. her nose was bleeding slightly and she seemed to have black eyeliner surrounding her eyes, hair slicked back and skin pale.

"(y/n)..." you took a faltering step towards her and she did the same, before you finally stepped all the way towards her. eleven's breath shuddered as she wrapped you up in a tight hug; you both immediately started crying on each other's shoulders.

"el... oh my god you're okay..." you breathed heavily, tears slipping out of your eyes. "i never gave up on you. i never gave up on you..." you pulled away gently so you could look at her face. "i called you every night... every night for-"

"353 days..." el finished, causing your eyes to widen and your mouth to open slightly. "i heard..."

"y-you did?" you smiled, cupping her face in your hands and pressing her forehead to yours. "why didn't you call me? let me know you were okay?"

"because i didn't let her..." you turned towards hopper, who ran a hand through his already messed up hair with a guilty look clouding his features. you were too happy to be angry at him, but you knew it would come up later. "sorry, kid..."

you didn't pay attention, you turned back towards el and kissed her cheek gently. "we have a lot of catching up to do..."


shit but i love me some el

stranger things - imagines and preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ